Nostradamus Predicted US – Russia Alliance ‘Happening Now!’

HELSINKI, FINLAND - JULY 16: U.S. President Donald Trump (L) and Russian President Vladimir Putin shake hands during a joint press conference after their summit on July 16, 2018 in Helsinki, Finland. The two leaders met one-on-one and discussed a range of issues including the 2016 U.S Election collusion. (Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images)

by NewProphecy, first published on 11/15/2016

Nostradamus, Quatrain 2.89  

One day the two great masters will become friends,
Their great power will be seen to grow:
The new land (America) will attain its high power,
To the bloody one the number is reported.

Nostradamus, Quatrain 6.21

When those of the arctic pole are united together,
In the East great fear and dread:
A newly elected one, sustained by a great trembling,
Rhodes (Greece), Istanbul (Turkey) with Barbarian blood is stained.

I have been waiting many years for this, but at last several of Nostradamus’ most famous quatrains may soon be realized in full.

I am speaking of course about the prophecies concerning a US-Russian Alliance, one that commentators like the late Erika Cheetham proclaimed as fulfilled too prematurely during the final Reagan years, beginning with the signing of the INF Treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union in December 1987. I was never really entirely satisfied that the improved relations between the two nuclear powers under Reagan and Gorbachev was what the French seer had in mind in any of his quatrains. A year and a month later George Herbert Walker Bush, Reagan’s vice president, was in power. The momentum towards much closer ties went into a “pause” mode for a year. However, they resumed in December 1989, more important treaties were signed, and trade relations and public relations continued to improve.

However, the relationship was notoriously unsuccessful where global affairs were concerned. The USSR condemned an American invasion ofPanama (December 1989-January 1990) in the United Nations and the Second Persian Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm, Jan-Feb 1991) drew the ire of Gorbachev and his top general Dmitri Yazov near the war’s conclusion. A few days before the ground war ended, a televised Gorbachev, in an effort to end the United Nations-Iraq conflict, ceased with pleading and warned that America was playing with the fire of a possible third world war. A few days later the US role in the war did indeed end. Meantime, regarding Russian aggressions, the US blasted a violent Russian military crackdown in Baku, Azerbaijan in January 1990, condemning it as a “massacre” (Black January), and then in January 1991 Soviet troops entered Vilnius, Lithuania, which was attempting to assert independence from the USSR, and killed hundreds of civilians (Bloody Sunday, January 13). Although Bush and the United States complained and condemned, and horrific scenes of massacre were shown on television news, most people in the US were not paying much attention as the countdown to Desert Storm was the main concern of the American news media. A few months later war exploded in the Balkans. As an impotent United States and United Nations looked on helplessly, Croats fought Serbs, then Croats and Serbs fought Bosnians and each other. The Soviet Union supplied their Serb allies with all the weapons they required. By the end of 1991, the Soviet Union was no more and Gorbachev retired.

Enter the Russian Federation and Boris Yeltsin. What followed throughout the 1990s was war in the Caucasus and the Balkans .. and a shaky, unpredictable relationship, at times warm, often cold, between President Yeltsin and the new US president, Bill Clinton. By 1994 the US news media labeled the US-Russian relationship as a “Cold Peace.”

This is the background against which we can view each of Nostradamus’ prophecies and conclude that they were never truly fulfilled, despite the proclamations of Erika Cheetham and her adherents.

However, with the election of Donald Trump, and Trump’s desire for close and friendly relations between Russia and the United States … indeed an alliance involving mutual military cooperation … at last the prophet’s good news has a chance of happening.

Nostradamus, Quatrain 6.21
When those of the arctic pole are united together,
In the East great fear and dread:
A newly elected one, sustained by a great trembling,
Rhodes (Greece), Istanbul (Turkey) with Barbarian blood is stained.


Woe, woe to all those who ally themselves with Islamic extremists like ISIS and Al Qaeda!!! Russia and the United States will raze you to the ground like stubble. Yes, you will spread your evil to Turkey and even to Greece for it is written in Islamic prophecy that the Sufyani’s war will reach the Byzantine Empire. But it is also written that that the Sufyani and all his followers will be utterly destroyed! The end of Al-Baghdadi and many other forms of Islamic terror will come by no later than 2018.

Nostradamus, Quatrain 2.89  

One day the two great masters will become friends,
Their great power will be seen to grow:
The new land (America) will attain its high power,

To the bloody one the number is reported.

Nostradamus, Quatrain 6.33

His last hand through the bloody Alus,
Protection by sea will not be guaranteed:
Between two Rivers, dreading the military hand,
The angry king will make him repent.


Nostradamus derived the term “the new land” from “the New World”:  America. In this instance, specifically the United States. The “bloody one” is none other than the “bloody Alus” (Alus sanguinaire). This may be President Bashar al-Assad, also not long for this world. At the very least Assad will go the way of Slobodan Milosevic, but possibly not until April 2022. However, if the “bloody one” is Al-Baghdadi and ISIS (al-IS), his end will come much sooner .. in 2018. It will happen in northern Mesopotamia (“between two Rivers”) at the hands of an angry leader (Putin? Trump? Or the one yet to come known as The Mahdi?).


Nostradamus, Quatrain 4.95

The reign left to two, very shortly they will hold,
Three years and seven months having passed they will go to war.
The two vassals against them will rebel,
The victor then born in Armorique territory.

Unfortunately there is the bad news side of the US-Russia alliance predictions, and that deals with its end. This quatrain concerns events during the final three years and seven months of the thirteen-year alliance. If the alliance indeed begins sometime in January 2017, then this is the period January 2027 to August 2030. It may be a bit later, depending on when the alliance officially begins.

By this time Russia and the United States will be given joint control of world events and a joint policing of the globe, possibly by the United Nations. Two smaller countries will stir up rebellion, possibly one of them in the Balkans or elsewhere in Eastern Europe and the other most likely Iran. It will lead to a global war and the “victor” of the worldwide conflagration will not come from either Russia or the U.S. but from northwestern France, also known as Britanny. This may be the figure Nostradamus names as Chyren and Chiren selin.

Nostradamus, Quatrain 5.78  

The two united will not hold for long,
And within 13 years are overcome by the Barbarian Satrap:
On both sides there will be such perdition,

That one will bless the Barque [of St. Peter] and its leader [the pope].


The end of the U.S.-Russian relationship which occurs in 2030 is mentioned again in the first two lines. During the ensuing years both sides have become increasingly oppressed and overwhelmed by the military and terrorist might of the Moslem axis led by “the Barbarian Satrap”: the leader of Iran (satrap is the Persian word for leader, thus the leader can be nothing other than an Iranian). Russia has been surrounded and besieged by Islamic extremists and infiltrated by its own indigenous Muslim populations. The United States has experienced selective targeting of several of its major cities by Iranian ICBMs. Both countries have experienced a heavy loss to their armed forces and intra-national conflict. Iran has declared war on the European Union and both Russia and the U.S. It is one of the “two vassal countries” in Q4.95 that rebel. Now world war begins.

Unfortunately, Line 3 promises massive nuclear strikes against Russia and the United States … either at the behest of the Iranian leader or else the two nuclear allies will become adversaries and engage in total thermonuclear war. Line 4 indicates that one of the two countries, Russia, will not be completely destroyed, since its leader will afterwards “bless” the pope and embrace the Christian faith completely. But America will be utterly destroyed.

Thus, this is a problem that must be tackled and changed. There are 13 good years to find a solution, if Nostradamus can be believed.

One solution may be found in the Epistle to Henry II where there is an alliance between not only Russia and the United States, but also a third Northern nation … the third one being Great Britain! Britain and the U.S. eventually merge into one federation and then the alliance is reduced to two: Anglo-America and Russia.