‘Argentinian Trump’ wins presidency

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On Sunday, libertarian economist Javier Milei was elected as Argentina’s next president.

Milei received approximately 56% of the vote with 86.59% of the votes counted, while his runoff opponent, Economy Minister Sergio Massa, received 44%.

Massa acknowledged loss in a speech before the official results were released. “The results are not what we expected, and I have contacted Javier Milei to congratulate him and wish him luck,” he stated, thanking his fans.

“I am a man of democracy, and nothing is more important to me than the verdict of the people.” “I am confident that we will be able to begin working with Javier Milei tomorrow to ensure an orderly transition [of power],” President Alberto Fernandez posted on X (previously Twitter).

Milei, a self-described “anarcho-capitalist” who leads the Liberty Advances party, has been compared to former US President Donald Trump owing to his aggressive and unconventional attitude.

During his candidature, Milei proposed dissolving the country’s central bank and replacing the Argentine peso with the US dollar as the country’s legal currency. He also urged for government expenditure cuts to help the economy.

Libertarians often view government activities as an infringement on private liberty and promote a free market approach accompanied by much lower taxation and little or no social spending.

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