Biden clashes with US mayor over immigration crisis

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US President Joe Biden appears to have spat with the mayor of the country’s largest metropolis, New York City’s Eric Adams, over his administration’s handling of an illegal immigration crisis.

The conflict erupted on Tuesday, when Adams was questioned on ‘Good Day NY’ about the city’s challenges to deal with a big migrant influx, “Where the heck is the president of the United States?” “That is a good question,” the mayor responded, “and I think we should all be asking why this is happening to a city that was turning itself around and will continue to do so.”

Last year, when the governors of Texas and Florida began busing migrants to Democrat-controlled cities, a surge in illegal border crossings to all-time highs began to touch home for New York. “This should not be happening to New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and the other big northern cities,” Adams added. “And really, it should not be happening to El Paso or Brownsville, Texas. No city should be carrying this burden. This is a national problem, and it needs a national solution.”

Feeling pressure from his own constituents, Adams has escalated his criticism of the Biden administration in recent weeks amid increasing struggles to accommodate the illegal aliens streaming into his city. Parents were up in arms on Tuesday over the city’s plan to house hundreds of migrants in school gymnasiums after running out of space elsewhere. Homeless veterans were reportedly kicked out of hotels in upstate New York, where they had been given temporary shelter, to make room for illegal immigrants being bused from New York City.

Adams was reportedly excluded from Biden’s re-election campaign team to punish him for alleged disloyalty. The mayor had announced earlier this year that he would be serving on the campaign’s national leadership advisory team, but when the group’s official membership list was released last week, Adams was left off.

“This is a shot to the chops from the Biden team,” political consultant Hank Sheinkopf told the New York Post. “The message is: Don’t criticize an incumbent Democratic president and don’t criticize the first black female vice president. Any criticism from a Democrat heading into re-election is seen as a betrayal.”

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