#BokoHaramIhejirika And The Reign of Rascals

Morbidly oObese army chief Kenneth Minimah on right


There are two names you can call what Rtd. General Azubuike Ihejirika did yesterday: terrorism or rascality. I say it is both. When confronted with an exposition of his role in sponsoring Boko Haram terror, made by the chief Boko Haram terrorism negotiator of Nigeria hired by President Jonathan, rather than defend himself by himself of the accusations levied against him by the person of Dr. Stephen Davis; General Ihejirika fired his gun at poor ol’Rufai.

This was terror. This was rascality. This is more of the same Nigerians have gotten used to under the regime and reign of rascals. Why did General Ihejirika call El-Rufai a Boko Haram commander when faced with accusations from Stephen Davis, hired by President Jonathan? What had El-Rufai to do with the rot he had been involved in and his behind being exposed by Davis? According to Dr. Davis, several Boko Haram commanders confided in him that Ihejirika was their boss. I believe El-Rufai must sue Ihejirika to begin to deliver his end as Nigeria now needs. It is time to end the rascality. This was the same way Reuben Abati did the rascality and fabricated libelous charges stitching in Buhari with Boko Haram. The false charges spread round Nigeria like wild fire and though Buhari sued Reuben for libel, and begged by President Jonathan, Buhari agreed to settle out of court with Reuben Abati and the Guardian where his fabrication was published, publishing a retraction and apology, the damage of the rascals was already done. Many Nigerians never read the retraction and didn’t realize it was mere baseless, malicious slander.

The rascality was also seen with Wendell Simlin, aka, Reno Omokri, who invented similar rascally statements against now Emir HRH Sanusi Lamido Sanusi. Wendell, aka, Reno’s rascality was quickly exposed. Again most recently, the rascality was demonstrated by Marilyn Ogar, spokesbox of the SSS; who made outlandish baseless statements that insult and call for the closing up of the State Security department. This is a rascal government, head to toe. Rascal civilians and military chiefs; rascal men, women and even spouses of officials.

While on #BokoHaramIhejirika, can he now explain all the crimes against humanity he was responsible for? The mass murders? The times under his command the Nigerian army pulled out from guarding houses of people to be attacked, like late General Mohammed Shuwa; like before the many Boko Haram attacks on Bama, Baga, at schools, etc? Can he defend the military under his command burning Baga to the ground in April last year? Can he now defend why he refused to send adequate troops to the north while he watched Borno fall under Boko Haram control, till we forced the President to bend his arm; can he explain this quote from the linked indicting report of his tenure from May 2013:

“The JTF in Maiduguri through the Chief of defense (COD), Vice Admiral Ola Sa’ad Ibrahim, have been requesting for two battalions to complement the forces on the ground- to deal with the increasingly coordinated menace, but their pleas fall on the deaf ears of the Chief of Army Staff (CAS), General Azubuike Ihejirika.” Read more:

Can General Ihejirika explain why he always gave only one or two rounds of ammunition to soldiers defending military barracks’ that had important military equipment including APC’s and tanks – a tactic that easily allowed Boko Haram overrun these barracks’ time and time again and obtain these vehicles and ammunitions to devastate the north. If anyone else was to blame, we should have seen you court-martial them for reigning terror on Nigeria; we didn’t see that till you were retired, this puts you solely to blame.

And Ihejirika, we noticed you made some peculiar confessions when you accidentally discharged your loose cannon at the wrong targets. You mentioned something about this government not funding the army? Can you expatiate on that? It has been 5 years of you and the C-in-C, Goodluck Jonathan directly in charge of that division. It has been 16 years of PDP (terror) in charge of the nation’s budget. Where is the money? Why did Jonathan not buy you some equipment? And please do not further debase yourself by telling us it was lil ‘ol-Rufai that stopped Jonathan from spending the ¼ of our budget designated to purchasing ammunition, on ammunition and made him use it to buy private jets and rice for the campaigns of thieves in Ekiti. What happened. Please tell us further. When and why did Jonathan not buy you the equipment you blame your 4 years of treacherous failure and terror sponsorship on? Are we to hold Jonathan?

To all Nigerians; it is time this rascality ends. It is time we put a shame to these rascals; it is time al rascals are locked up or treated as such – as disgraced petty criminals.

May God have mercy on the Chibok angels. The Lord is answering your prayers oppressed girls; the Lord is answering your prayers. He is bringing exposure and shame to your enemies, your oppressors, the enemies and oppressors of mankind. Amen, Amen. Ameen. Pray on Chibok angels. Pray on. This is your testimony!

Dr. Peregrino Brimah; [Every Nigerian Do Something] Email: Twitter: @EveryNigerian

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