BREAKING: After Irrational #SyriaStrike, InfoWars’ Paul Joseph Watson Dumps Trump, The ‘Neo-Con Puppet’

Alt-Right Turns on ‘Neo-Con Puppet’ Trump After Bombing Syria

Citing a Russian talking point that a chemical weapons attack in Syria was a ‘false flag,’ the alt-right begged President Trump to lay off Syria. The U.S. struck anyway, and now many are ‘off the Trump train.’


President Donald Trump’s most fervent far-right and alt-right supporters began to publicly turn on the administration on Thursday, angry or in denial at the administration’s apparent refusal to believe a Russian talking point that a chemical weapons attack in Syria was a “false flag”—or didn’t happen at all.

And after the president announced that the U.S. had launched 50 Tomahawk missiles at Syrian military targets Thursday night, many alt-right figureheads went a step further, publicly denouncing and pulling their support from the administration in statements on Twitter.

“I guess Trump wasn’t ‘Putin’s puppet’ after all, he was just another deep state/Neo-Con puppet,” wrote InfoWars editor Paul Joseph Watson. “I’m officially OFF the Trump train.”

White-nationalist agitator Richard Spencer, founder of the term “alt-right,” appeared to switch his support to Hawaii Democratic congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, who had met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in January. On Thursday night, he tweeted, “I absolutely condemn Washington’s military strike against Syria. #Syria #NoMoreWar,” then “Tulsi Gabbard 2020.” Read full in DailyBeast

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