Breakthrough and Unvaccinated Covid-positive Rush for Monoclonal Antibodies ‘Cure’ With 70-80% Efficacy

Doctor hold a vial of monoclonal antibodies, a new treatment for coronavirus Covid-19

Lazy eyes listen


Americans, especially in Covid dominant states are rushing for monoclonal antibodies, proven highly efficacious in combatting infection. It is recollected that president Trump received these antibodies when he was infected and he quickly got over his infection.

The FDA authorized monoclonal antibody treatments in November 2020 but for some reason, likely the government’s prioritized preoccupation on mass vaccination, these alternate options have been sparsely utilized till late. Over 72% of the US adult population and more than half the total has gotten vaccinated and mandates are now being put in place, partially satisfying the wishes of vaccine industry.

Monoclonal antibodies (mAb) which are lab-made antibodies, have been in use for major conditions like cancer and autoimmune diseases for decades and, they now reduce the risk of severe covid infection by as much as 80%!

WebMD writes,

“Clinical trials show that Regeneron’s monoclonal antibody treatment, a combination of two antibodies called casirivimab and imdevimab, reduces COVID-19-related hospitalization or deaths in high-risk patients by about 70%. And when given to an exposed person — like someone living with an infected person — monoclonal antibodies reduced their risk of developing an infection with symptoms by 80%.”

“Regeneron sent out fewer than 25,000 doses a week nationwide in mid-July. Now, the Health and Human Services department is shipping about 168,000 doses a week, with 78% of the orders going regions of the country with low vaccination rates.” Yahoo news

This means if administered to at risk patients or newly infected patients, these have the potential of completely containing the Covid-19 epidemic with currently greater efficacy than vaccines which are showing poor control especially with the Delta variant and come with many risks.

mAbs do not come with the various risks associated with vaccines and the ‘spike protein’ the introduction of which a recent study evaluating the “all cause morbidity” found provided overall more risk than control (non vaccinated). Vaccination has also been linked to a long haul syndrome.

Ask for Them as Soon as You Test Positive

The good news is there is a gold rush for this mode of therapy currently with over 150,000 doses being shipped out to states like Texas every week.

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