Once Again Buhari Fails To Condemn Attacks, Condole Victims Of ISIS Terror In Iraq That Claimed 100

Nigeria's president Muhammadu Buhari with Saudi King Salman as Saud


It has been observed that Nigeria’s president Muhammadu Buhari fails to ever condole victims of terror attacks in Iraq.

In what has been described as a sectarian fanatic stance, Nigeria’s president is observed to quickly condemn terror attacks except when the victims are Shia Muslims or the attacks are in Iraq where Shia Islam is dominant. The president even condemns attacks in western nations while refusing to ever comment on attacks against Muslims in Iraq.

Last week 100 people were killed in Iraq when a Daesh terrorist blew up an explosives-loaded truck at a busy petrol station with Arbaeen pilgrims killing as many a 100.

The Nigerian president has been in headlines and condemned by international right organisations for constant repression of minority Muslims in Nigeria with frequent army and police massacres followed with secret burials of the victims.

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