Chief of Yoruba Community in Ghana Congratulates General Buhari


On behalf of the Yoruba community, Nigerians in Ghana and all the good people of Ghana in general, I send greetings and hearty congratulations to General Muhammad Buhari, the President-elect of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

We are thankful to the Creator for answering our prayers and bestowing on us this great opportunity for change and progressive development. I recollect working for your government in the past and particularly being sent along with General Domkat Bali and Ambassador Enahoro by you, to explain to the leaders of the neighboring countries, the necessity for change in Nigeria at the time you took over (in 1983).

It was an honor to serve you then and be a part of the change; and it is a blessing that Nigeria and Nigerians can once again work with you and under your disciplined and wise council and guidance towards fulfilling the necessary change now again.

Once again we convey the message of a new Nigeria and indeed Africa to Africa’s neighbors on your behalf.

We congratulate the outgoing leader of the nation, Goodluck Jonathan for a peaceful and patriotic transition. He has demonstrated exemplary leadership. We pray for unity in Nigeria and the fear of God by Nigerians in office. Once again, we send our greetings from Ghana.

We reassure your Excellency of our full support in order to move Nigeria and Africa forward. May Almighty Allah (S) be with you.

Chief (Lawyer) Muhammad Bashir Peregrino Brimah VII, Ex- Nigerian Diplomat (Ret. 1985)

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