Criticize me Gently: Delta Commissioner Begs Press

May 14, 2013

NewsRescue- The commissioner for transport in Delta State, Hon. Ben Ibakpa has
called on media practitioners in the state to be more gentle in
criticising his ministry policy as well as government in general.

Ibakpa made this appeal when he played host to the members of Radio
Television Theatre and Arts Workers Union (RATTAWU) NTA  Sapele
Chapter. The media practitioners who paid him a visit charge him to
sensitize the public adequately before carrying out any policy which
we have effect on the populace. The advise him to partner with the
Union in organising the face of Delta Line, in which the winner of the
competition will do the work of carrying out awareness to the public
as well as being the ambassador of the transport ministry.

The union Chairman, Comrade Samson Oghenedoro noted that the banning of bike in
the state has brought down the level of crime in the state, but in a
jocular speech stated that he felt the pains at the beginning, though
its all over now.

Speaking further, Comrade Oghenedoro pleaded with the commissioner to
talk to the state government to come to the aid of NTA Sapele which
has remained comatose for years, to enable them broadcast effectively.
Responding, the commissioner expressed gratitude to the union for
extending this hand of fellowship to his ministry. He promised to talk
to the management of Delta Line and map out plans to see to the
organisation of the face of Delta Line competition in partnership with
the union. He stated that he will take the message of NTA challenges
to the state governor and expressed optimism that the state
government, being media friendly will come to the aid of the station,
nothing that even as AIT sets to debut in Oghara, five kilometres away
from NTA, it is good that they both work well to help publicise the
government activities.

Making a passionate appeal, he urged the union to be more realistic in
their programmes production, always seeking to balance up production
before going on air. He charged them to also take the message of
constructive criticism to other members of the press.
“I like to be criticised, but in a right manner. I don’t want to go to
bed feeling bad because of what has being said of me or my ministry’s
policy which are not true”, he stated.

Remarking, Comradeship Oghenedoro stated that having being a print
Journalist for years before delving into the broadcast media, he will
take the message to the print media practitioners, while the union on
her part will engage in robust and professional broadcasting.

Fejiro Oliver is a journalist who writes from Delta State

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