Czechs protest price rises and Ukraine military aid

Lazy eyes listen


On Saturday, thousands of Czechs took to the streets of Prague to protest the government. Protesters criticized their government’s continued military support for Ukraine as well as falling living standards and rising prices.

The rally, organized by the right-wing Law, Respect, Expertise party (PRO), saw demonstrators wave Czech flags and placards calling for Prime Minister Petr Fiala’s government to resign. The current Czech cabinet has been chastised for allegedly failing to address the issues raised by rising inflation.

PRO leader Jindrich Rajchl promised the crowd, “We will do everything in our power to ensure that this government’s national catastrophe of Petr Fiala ends as soon as possible.”

The politician went on to say that the country deserves a new government that will “put the interests of Czech citizens first.”

At least one serving and one retired senator, as well as a lawyer and a film director, spoke at the rally.

Rajchl concluded the protest by warning that unless the government resigns by April 10, there will be another protest next month, with participants blocking government buildings.

Following the conclusion of Saturday’s event, a group of protesters marched toward the National Museum, chanting for the removal of the Ukrainian flag from its facade. Several dozen people attempted to flee, according to a police spokesperson.

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