Ebola Riots Hit Sierra Leone As Authorities Overwhelmed

by Paul Joseph Watson

Health officials in the West African country continue to be overwhelmed by the spread of the epidemic which has stretched health care facilities to breaking point.

Footage shot by BBC News shows residents staging irate impromptu protests over the failure to remove an Ebola victim’s corpse, with police resorting to tear gas to restore order.

This is not the first time that the Ebola crisis has sparked unrest. Animal rights activists in Spain staged a “mini-riot” last week after they attempted to prevent the removal of a dog that had to be put down having been in contact with a nurse who contracted Ebola and was quarantined in Madrid.

Last month, seven people were killed during rioting in Guinea after members of a delegation sent to educate residents about the Ebola virus were attacked by an angry crowd.

The World Health Organization has warned that Ebola cases could rise to 10,000 a week by December, ten times the current ratio. Only 4,300 treatment beds will be available by that time.

Meanwhile, the United Nations has warned that the Ebola virus is “winning the race” against efforts to halt its spread.

“Ebola got a head start on us,” Anthony Banbury, head of the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response, told the United Nations Security Council.

“It is far ahead of us, it is running faster than us, and it is winning the race,” he said. “We either stop Ebola now or we face an entirely unprecedented situation for which we do not have a plan.”

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison

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