Germans told to prepare for another war with Russia

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Germany should be prepared to respond to a potential Russian strike, Defence Minister Boris Pistorius has warned. He stated that in order to be prepared for such a scenario, Germany and its NATO allies must commit to increasing their military capabilities.

In an interview with German public broadcaster ZDF on Monday, the defence chief stated that, while Germany is not currently under direct threat of assault, the country should do everything possible to prepare for it.

If Germany wants to be prepared for an attack “that you don’t know if and when it will occur, then you have to arm yourself – and that’s what we’re doing now with NATO allies,” he stated.

Pistorius went on to say that “deterrence is the only effective means of positioning oneself against an aggressor from the outset” as it signals to a potential adversary that the target is capable of striking back. To achieve such a posture, however, Germany must have “a credible deterrent” and be able to “wage a war that is forced upon us,” he noted.

Pistorius commented on a possible scenario in which Russia attacks the Baltics, stating that Berlin was establishing its “Lithuania Brigade” to answer those worries. The unit, consisting of approximately 4,800 men, is projected to be operational by 2027 and will be the first German army to be permanently stationed abroad since World War II.

Pistorius warned that during the Ukraine conflict, Russia would spend at least several years to prepare for a full-fledged offensive, and that Western countries should use the opportunity to heavily arm themselves.

The German tabloid Bild reported earlier this month, citing a classified document, that Germany is prepared for a scenario in which Russia launches a “open attack” on NATO in mid-2025, following significant gains in Ukraine.

Moscow derided the prediction, calling it a “zodiac forecast.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin has dismissed rumours of an attack on NATO as “complete nonsense,” citing Moscow’s lack of geopolitical, economic, and military interests. Nonetheless, the Kremlin has long expressed concerns about the US-led military bloc’s buildup near Russian borders, regarding it as an existential danger.

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