Instructions on ‘Religious Exemptions’ to Protect Citizens’ Liberty in ALL Cases

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from America’s Frontline Doctors,

Instructions to people interested in a religious exemption. READ CAREFULLY!

All persons have a right to a religious exemption under USA law if they hold a “sincere religious belief.” It is incorrect that any other “proof” is necessary. No particular faith, theology, action or inaction is required. However, it must be a belief that is sincerely held by the individual. While in normal times, religious beliefs are not challenged, in the current climate, it is possible that should a dispute arise, perhaps between an employer and an employee, both sides might suggest evidence that supports or contradicts that.

Here we have gathered essays on the subject of religious concerns regarding vaccines. We encourage all people to thoughtfully read through all these essays and determine if any/several sincerely apply to themselves as an individual. This is an individual exercise. We provide this because we know it is difficult to articulate and/or defend these beliefs. However, this exercise is yours alone.

You can and/or should use this material to support your own statement of your own sincerely held religious beliefs. We have provided this material in word doc format for your convenience, however it would contradict your assertion that your belief is sincerely held if you were for example, to broadly copy and paste another person’s or entity’s beliefs. Certainly if a sentence or paragraph or reference speaks to your heart and soul, that is acceptable to copy, which is why it is provided in word doc format. The authors have all given their permission and/or the statements are in the public domain.

If you are having to assert your sincere religious belief, you must do this work on your own, using your own thoughts and own words. Those words are based upon your own contemplation and your own research and AFLDS is happy to assist you. 

In God We Trust. 

The law is clear. An experimental vaccine cannot be mandated. We want you to be armed with resources to advocate for yourself and your loved ones. Here is a letter template to utilize related to your employer or school attempting to mandate the Covid-19 experimental vaccine candidates. Please edit the portion in red, specific to you, and distribute. Send to principals, superintendents, department of education officials, managers, corporate officers, etc. Put everyone on notice! Send on your own or unite with others’ signatures in support of your movement. Informed and united people are truly the greatest threat to tyranny!

Get legal forms for your situation:

Dr. Zelenko Video Transcript


Bishop Benjamin Statement (Old & New Testaments)


Personal Statement based upon Judaism


Rabbi Green Torah & Talmudic Objections to Mandatory Vaccines


Ultraorthodox (Haredi) Rabbis of Israel


Liberty Counsel letter


Church of Health & Healing: Nondenominational Christian Welcomes Members.


Personal Statement based on the New Testament


Roman Catholic Objection to Vaccine


Letter to the Military


Source: America’s Frontline Doctors

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