ISIS Document For “End Of World” Battle Discovered


A think tank linked to the neocon-centric Hudson Institute claims it has discovered an Islamic State version of “Mein Kampf” in Pakistan.

The American Media Institute says the 32-page Urdu language document calls for an end of the world conflict in what the Israeli newspaper Arutz Sheva characterizes as a “final solution,” a distinct reference to the Third Reich’s mass extermination of Jews.

The document also allegedly calls for a single worldwide caliphate to rule over more than a billion Muslims.

“It reads like the caliphate’s own Mein Kampf,” said aa U.S. intelligence official who read the document. “While the world is watching videos of beheadings and crucifixions in Iraq and Syria the Islamic State is moving into North Africa the Middle East, and now we see it has a strategy in South Asia. It’s a magician’s trick, watch this hand and you’ll never see what the other is doing.”

The document “serves as a Nazi-like recruiting pitch that attempts to unite dozens of factions of the Pakistani and Afghan Taliban into a single army of terror. It includes a never-before-seen history of the Islamic State, details chilling future battle plans and urges al-Qaeda to join Islamic State,” Sara A. Carter writes.

The associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Rabbi Abraham Cooper, who heads up the Digital Terrorism and Hate Project at the organization, told Arutz Sheva threats enumerated in the document resemble those issued by the Nazis prior to the Second World War.

Arutz Sheva says the authenticity of the manifesto was confirmed by former U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency Director Gen. Michael Flynn and other intelligence officials.

“A Brief History of the Islamic State Caliphate (ISC), The Caliphate According to the Prophet,” is described as a master battle plan that “lays out their intent, their goals and objectives, a red flag to which we must pay attention,” according to Flynn.

Flynn resigned his post in the summer of 2014 after clashing with brass at the Pentagon.

He has called for a “sweeping, decades-long campaign against the Islamic State Group, al-Qaida and its ilk — a fight like the one against the former Soviet Union against a new enemy he said is ‘committed to the destruction of freedom and the American way of life,’” according to The Daily Beast.

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