Live Forever Lab: Amazon Jeff Bezos, Other Billionaires Give Unlimited Funding to New ‘Age Reversal’ Lab Start-up

RIGA, LATVIA - February 24, 2017: Forbes Magazine list of The Worlds Most Powerful People.Number 14 CEO and founder of Jeff Beezos.

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A new start-up that aims to reverse aging is planning to open a lab in the UK, reportedly with funding from Jeff Bezos.

Altos Labs has raised at least $270m (£231m) to develop biological reprogramming technology, a way to rejuvenate cells that some scientists think could be extended to revitalise entire animal bodies, ultimately prolonging human life.

The company, which was incorporated in the US and in the UK earlier this year, is reported to have billionaires Jeff Bezos and Yuri Milner among its investors, according to MIT Technology Review.Can we live forever?

Shinya Yamanaka, who shared a 2012 Nobel Prize for the discovery of reprogramming, will act as an unpaid senior scientist and will chair the company’s scientific advisory board.

He found that with the addition of just four proteins, cells can be instructed to revert to a primitive state with the properties of embryonic stem cells.

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