Most Germans dissatisfied with government – poll

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According to a recent poll, the majority of Germans are dissatisfied with the performance of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government. Even people who favor the three constituent parties appear to be dissatisfied with the ruling traffic light coalition.

According to a survey done by Institut Forsa and published on Tuesday, 77% of respondents were dissatisfied with the administration in some way.

According to the study, 52% of SPD party voters, which Chancellor Scholz belongs to, are unsatisfied. 55% and 71% of Green Party and Free Democratic Party supporters, who make up the rest of the government coalition, were dissatisfied, respectively.

The poll, commissioned by RTL and NTV, collected responses from 1,002 people from last Thursday to Friday.

According to the survey, 61% of Germans asked believed that the administration was operating unprofessionally and chaotically.

A poll conducted by public broadcaster ARD last month found that only 20% of Germans backed the federal administration.

Those who were displeased accused the officials of taking too long to resolve important concerns and of failing to chart a course for the country. Some also criticized the government’s contentious plan to replace millions of home heating systems across the country, as well as its expanding military support for Ukraine.

In this context, up to 18% of respondents stated they would vote for the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD), placing it on par with the government Social Democrats Party (SPD).

The party received 10.3% of the vote in the 2021 elections.

However, two-thirds of Germans polled stated that they did not fully embrace the AfD’s goals, instead supporting it out of irritation with mainstream parties and the federal government.

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