Nasir el-Rufai: The Un-accidental Undertaker of The #ZariaMassacre

Implicated Kaduna governor Nasir el-Rufai and Amy chief Tukur Buratai


The present Kaduna state Governor Nasir Elrufai does not have any reputation that is related to principles, honesty and integrity. To buttress this assertion I will give two examples. When Elrufai was in the then ruling People Democratic Party (PDP) he took the present Nigerian President Buhari to the cleaners who was in the opposition then and branded him “old and outdated”. Today the same Elrufai is the biggest bootlicker and puppet of President Buhari. When 34 members of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN) were brutally massacred by the Nigerian army in 2014, Elrufai accused the former Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan of genocide and was one of the thousands of Nigerians that trooped to the residence of His Eminence Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky to condole him for his loss of three (3) sons in the massacre. But the same Elrufai in December 2015 was among the masterminds of the inhuman ZariaMassacre by the Nigerian army that resulted in the killing of 1000+ defenseless and unarmed Nigerians. Elrufai was given the prominent role of acting as the Un-accidental Undertaker of the victims of the massacre, a role he himself confessed to the kangaroo Judicial Commission that he instituted to cover-up the heinous crimes and atrocities of the massacre.

When yesterday (18/07/2016) a brother informed me that Gov Nasir Elrufai had posted an article related to the Zaria massacre written by one Jibrin Ibrahim titled “The Clash Between the Nigerian Army and the Islamic Movement in Nigeria” on his social media platforms, I was surprised since the said Jibrin Ibrahim was a member of the kangaroo Judicial Commission of Inquiry (JCI) that was set up by Gov Elrufai. It does not take a keen observer to detect that both the actions of Elrufai and Jibrin Ibrahim were meant to preempt the “findings” of the commission and to conditioned the minds of Nigerians of that doctored and grossly flawed report.

For the sake of intellectual discuss and clarity it is important to know who is the said Jibrin Ibrahim? And I will allow the known Nigerian writer and columnist Dr. Aliyu Tilde who in 2010 de-construct the thesis of Jibrin Ibrahim titled “God save us from ‘religious’ laws” to make the introduction:

“The essence of the matter is that Dr. Jibrin Ibrahim has generalized so much and contradicted himself to the extent that he built premisses that are not strong enough to support his conclusion. Part of the problem really lies in the noble desire of Dr. Jibrin to retain his Christian faith while at the same time preaching the atheistic doctrines of his subject of specialization, sociology. This is a common problem he seems to share with many other people in his position.”

To writers and thinkers it is common knowledge that Atheism is the unofficial religion of sociology as majority of the leading lights of sociology in recent times that is dominated by the values and standards of Western civilization are Atheist who are hostile to anything that has to do with religion. Jibrin Ibrahim and his wife have a long record of chastising and tong lashing religion in the name of scholarship, his veiled attacks on the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN) and malicious insinuations should be seen from that light.

The usage of the word “clash” in the article by Jibrin Ibrahim is quite misleading as he just parroted the official line of the Nigerian regime that perpetrated the inhuman massacre of 1000+ defenseless and unarmed Nigerian civilians to serve an evil imperialist agenda that has the savage Saudi regime as a front. Only people conquered with hateful sentiments and guided by religious and sectarian bigotry will describe the monumental savagery and barbarity that characterized the ZariaMassacre as “clash”.

Jibrin Ibrahim been a long standing advocate of transparency and freedom of information act (FOA), one cannot understand why a person who lay claim to such reputation appending his signature to the JCI document that was marked “TOP SECRET” by its Elrufai-selected authors. When Jibrin Ibrahim said “I suspect we marked the report ‘TOP SECRET’ because we have a history of lack of governmental transparency that leads to the anti-people reflex of declaring all governmental documents as restricted and not available for citizen scrutiny” he was not communicating anything as he only “suspect”!

Jibrin’s allusion to the non-appearance of IMN as the most frustrating issue portray him as being ignoramus or a deliberate pretender of the critical issues and debate that unfolded and precipitated to the non-appearance of the Movement at the kangaroo JCI. The most frustrating issue is not the non-appearance of IMN to the JCI as claimed by Jibrin, the most frustrating issue is that the Nigerian regime via the DSS had blocked Sheikh Zakzaky and the 200+ detained members of IMN who are the direct victims of the massacre to testify in the Commission. Festus Okeye Esq on behalf of the IMN Legal team wrote:

“The Counsel to the Commission Mallam Yusuf Ali, SAN did inform the Commission that he met with the leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria in detention and he informed him of his willingness to testify before the Commission yet the Commission was powerless in getting the Department of State Services to allow the leader of the Islamic Movement to testify before it.”

“The Legal Team insists that it would have been an exercise in futility to continue participation and appearance before the Judicial Commission of Inquiry that deliberately refused to exercise the powers conferred on it by law to compel the release and appearance of one of the parties when the said party was being held by one of the parties to the dispute.”

“The Legal Team of the Islamic Movement (IMN) on the instructions of the Leader of the Islamic Movement has since activated other constitutional and legal avenues of redress and will continue to use the instrumentality of the law to see that justice is done and that due process and the rule of law continues to be the guiding principle of our democracy.”

On a final note, the sharing of the article of Jibrin Ibrahim by Gov Elrufai should be considered as another dance of shame by Elrufai to cover his nakedness of disgrace as the Un-accidental and willing Undertaker of the massacre of 1000+ defenseless and unarmed Nigerians that included 100s of women and children.

Harun Elbinawi

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