New #Hijarbie Veiled Barbie Doll, Nigerian Student Idea Makes Big Buzz


New sensation all over twitter and instagram is the cutest thing but also exposes levels of Islamophobia.

Hijarbie is the brainchild of 24-year-old Nigerian medical scientist Haneefah Adam who wanted to see herself reflected in the popular dolls. Adam was inspired after perusing Barbie’s official style account on Instagram.

The dolls are absolutely adorable, but many have pointed out that there are no black or brown ones featured. Adam says it’s an issue of availability.

“The simple truth is, I couldn’t find the Different types in Nigeria (no Amazon or eBay or anything, Lol), I’d have loved to dress up a black doll myself too. I’ve ordered for some internationally and they’ll soon be here. I basically started with what I had.”

So how does Adam come up with Hijarbie’s looks?

“Adam, who is also launching a modest lifestyle brand called Hanie, makes all the dresses and hijabs herself. Lately, she’s been designing and sewing looks based off popular Muslim fashion bloggers, like Habiba Da Silva and Leena Asad.”

This is beyond cute! Go to Hijarbie’s Instagram account to see more.

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