Nigerian Artist Ahmed Audi Zarewa Locked Up For Song When President Dances After Bomb Blast

President Jonathan went dancing at a campaign rally, the day of the abduction which was also the day after Nyanya terrorist bombing that claimed 72 lives in the nation's capital, ABuja

May. 1, 2014


In increasing brutality against ordinary citizens, as happened recently with Ciaxon, an ordinary Nigerian who happened to take pictures of a prison break and was locked up for two weeks, also with activist @Omojuwa, arrested for protesting a government immigration scam that left 20 unemployed youth dead; Ahmed Audi Zarewa has remained arrested now since after the Nyanya Abuja bus stop bombing for singing a very tasty Hausa dialect song, captioned “Zuwan Mai Malfa Kano”, criticizing the Nigerian president for his visit to Kano after the Nyanya Abuja bus stop bombing that left 72 Nigerians dead and hundreds injured and hours after over 270 teenage girls were abducted in a Chibok school. The president of Nigeria came under global critics for his insensitivity. The #FreeAhmedAudiZarewa and #FreeAhmedZarewa campaign is picking up speed demanding the immediate release of Ahmed Audi Zarewa for excersising his freedom of speech. Listen tot he song here.

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