#NoFlyZone: America Adds Nigeria To Visa Ban List Due To Govt Security Failures


President Trump added six countries to the US Visa restriction list, with stringent travel restrictions.

Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria, Eritrea, Sudan and Tanzania were added from the African continent.

Myanmar, where the Rohingya persecuted Muslim minority is fleeing a genocide was also included on the list.

The proclamation will take effect on February 22. With the inclusion of the six new countries, 13 countries with significant Muslim populations are now restricted.

Nigeria, Myanmar, Eritrea and Kyrgyzstan will have immigrant visas banned.

Nonimmigrant visas, students and temporary workers, visas or potential employees with specialized skills, and “persons with special interests in the US”, will not be affected by the ban.

Nigeria’s neighbor, the Chadian republic was put on the ban in 2017 but after fulfilling security conditions, it got taken off the list. Nigeria has failed to ensure required security standards are met including proper identification and screening of it citizens. The country has been plagued by terrorism as its security infrastructure is described as non existent. Proper record keeping is not done to permit political rigging and thuggery.

US officials noted an “elevated risk and threat environment in the country,.”

Lai Mohammed, Nigeria’s Minister of Information and Culture, said earlier that:

“It would be quite unfortunate if for any reason Nigeria were on the list…It would be a double jeopardy: The country has committed a lot of resources to fight terrorism. Any travel ban cannot but be inimical to the growth of the country.”

He added,

“Once a travel ban is imposed on a country, the consequences are not always pleasant.”

However contrary to what Nigeria’s foreign minister said, the US claimed it had been in contact with all affected nations, urging them to make necessary security updates.

Read the Full Statement from the US Government:

Defending American lives and safety is the President’s highest duty.

Pursuant to Presidential Proclamation 9645, the Acting Secretary of Homeland Security submitted to the President a report—drafted in consultation with the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Director of National Intelligence—on global compliance with standards established for the screening and vetting of foreign nationals seeking to come to the United States.  As set forth in Presidential Proclamation 9645, countries that fail to conduct proper identity management protocols and procedures, or that fail to provide information necessary to comply with basic national security requirements—including sharing terrorist, criminal, or other identity information—face the risk of restrictions and limitations on the entry of their nationals into the United States.

Today, following the recommendations provided by Members of his Cabinet and his advisors, President Donald J. Trump has issued a proclamation maintaining entry restrictions on certain nationals of Iran, Libya, North Korea, Syria, Venezuela, Yemen, and Somalia; suspending the overseas issuance of immigrant visas for certain nationals of Burma (Myanmar), Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, and Nigeria; and suspending participation in the “Visa Lottery” for certain nationals of Sudan and Tanzania.  The new restrictions will not apply to tourist, business, or other nonimmigrant travel.  The Administration will work with the non-compliant countries to bring them into compliance with United States security standards.

It is fundamental to national security, and the height of common sense, that if a foreign nation wishes to receive the benefits of immigration and travel to the United States, it must satisfy basic security conditions outlined by America’s law-enforcement and intelligence professionals.  Proclamation 9645 was reviewed and upheld as lawful by the Supreme Court.  President Trump’s security and travel proclamations have immeasurably improved our national security, substantially raised the global standard for information-sharing, and dramatically strengthened the integrity of the United States’ immigration system.  The orders have been a tremendous and vital success.


Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act provides:

“Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”

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