Obama To Employ Nigeria’s Brutal Military Chief To Clear Violent Pro-Hillary Protesters From Main Streets


According to unbelievable reports, US president Barack Obama will be employing the services of Nigeria’s brutal military chief Tukur Buratai to mow down protesters.

Buratai has a record of massacring. And secretly burying hundreds of protesters in Nigeria.

For a third day, pro-Hillary protesters unable to cope with the democratic party candidate’s election defeat have occupied main streets in America with protests turning violent.

Cars are being damaged as are buildings as the socialist protesters are unhappy primarily with the elite-ruled democratic party for rigging the elections and imposing Hillary on them over Bernie Sanders who was more likely to defeat Donald Trump.

Drivers are being attacked and acts of vandalism are being perpetrated in Oregon and some other cities.

Protesters occupying New York main street

The state department of transportation shut down Marquan and Fremont bridges due to the demonstrations.

Barack Obama is employing the services of Buratai who last December killed hundreds of protesting Shia Muslims in Nigeria’s Kaduna northern state for blocking a highway.

Barack Obama is said to have supported this action by making no comments as the Nigerian government killed and admitted to secretly burying hundreds of victims in a mass grave. An act condemned by Human Rights Watch and Amnesty international among other global right organizations.

Amnesty international Satellite image of Mando mass grave where hundreds of victims were secretly buried
Nigerians hiding before Buratai killed them

While the US President and government is noted for presenting itself as global police, recently slamming punishments on Nigeria for laws seen repressive of gays, its silence in the event of the Zaria massacre was clearly seen as support of such brutal action by the Buhari  administration.

The massacre was one of the most deadly state-perpetrator acts of terror in recent decades.

Saudi and Qatari money is said to finance and part own top US establishments and media including CNN and Fox news and Democratic party candidate Hillary Clinton and her husband’s Clinton foundation receive millions of dollars in stipends from these Arab officials implicated in promoting sectarian wars and terror massacres across the globe including the Zaria massacre supported by Obama.

Clinton partnership with terror-linked Arab leaders

The same financiers funded the Hillary campaign against President-elect Donald Trump who has not hidden his sharp contempt for US tolerance of Saudi extremism.

Obama attempted recently to block the declassification of 28 pages of documents that implicated Saudi officials in the 911 terror attacks. The Senate however voted to have the damning documents declassified.

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