Republican congressmen press Biden administration for answers in response to various problems experienced by COVID vaccine recipients

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Two Republican congressmen from Georgia have pressed the Biden administration for answers in response to the various issues encountered by COVID vaccine recipients who are now attempting to navigate the US Department of Health and Human Services’ vaccine injury program.

Rep. Mike Collins wrote to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra earlier this month about the department’s Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program, which is supposed to provide compensation for injuries caused by countermeasures “Compensation for covered serious injuries or deaths caused by the administration or use of specific countermeasures. Unreimbursed medical expenses (expenses that health insurance did not cover), lost employment income, and the survivor death benefit are all possible forms of compensation.”

Collins stated that many Americans who have been harmed by COVID vaccines are having difficulties with the program. As a result, injured individuals — many of whom were mandated to receive the shots by the Biden administration — are suffering not only from their sometimes debilitating and painful injuries, but also from “extraordinary financial and personal burdens.”

Individuals in his state who have been injured by vaccines have reported “burdensome requirements to get their claims reviewed, long delays in receiving a claim decision, and high rates of unfavorable decisions,” Collins wrote.

According to WXIA-TV, the so-called countermeasure believed to be responsible for more than half of the claims filed with the CICP was the COVID-19 vaccine.

Allen Storey told WXIA that he was relieved to receive the vaccine at first. He did, however, suffer an acute brain stem stroke.

Storey reportedly first experienced vertigo. He was soon unable to communicate other than by squeezing his wife’s hand.

Allen and his wife could no longer work because of their injuries, and Beverly had to care for her husband. They even had to give up their home in order to find a place for Allen’s newly required wheelchair.

Because Storey had a full body health screening and was otherwise healthy prior to his COVID-19 vaccine, the couple concluded that the shot was the cause of his current illness.

They sought assistance through the CICP, but no relief was forthcoming.

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