Russia blasts US over LGBTQ law ‘interference’

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By criticizing Russian legislation prohibiting LGBTQ, pedophilia, and sex-change propaganda, US officials are interfering in the country’s internal affairs, according to Moscow’s embassy in Washington. It also urged the US to respect the Russian people’s views.

The embassy said in a statement that it had taken note of “the statements of numerous US officials” criticizing the bill, which was approved by Russia’s parliament on Thursday.

“We regard such statements as gross interference in our internal affairs,” the diplomatic mission said, adding that “Russia consistently stands for the protection of traditional family values” and rejects “attempts by Western states, led by the US, to impose pseudo-liberal and perverted ideas about human rights on other countries.”

The embassy requested that the US respect Russian citizens’ decision to “adhere to moral guidelines” that have been embraced by many generations and are “the basis of Russian civic identity.”

Russia is getting closer to outlawing ‘LGBTQ propaganda.’

The Russian State Duma passed the third and final reading of a bill outlawing LGBTQ propaganda on Thursday. The bill ‘on the protection of traditional values,’ which received unanimous support from all 397 MPs, makes the promotion of “non-traditional sexual relations” in advertising, books, movies, and media illegal.

Individuals could face fines of 400,000 rubles ($6,600) and corporate entities could face fines of up to 5 million rubles (around $83,000) for LGBTQ propaganda, according to the bill. The proposed fines for pedophilia promotion are double these amounts, and foreign actors who do not comply with the legislation face expulsion from Russia.

The bill has not yet taken effect, but President Vladimir Putin is expected to sign it.

The legislation was dubbed “another serious blow to freedom of expression and the human rights of LGBTQI+ people in Russia” by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Blinken urged Russian lawmakers to withdraw the bill and “respect the human rights and dignity of all” before the vote in the State Duma. Vyacheslav Volodin, Chairman of the State Duma, urged MPs to respond to him by voting.

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