#Syria: Obama’s Soft Landing? Assad To Put Chemical Weapons Under International Control

Sept. 9, 2013

NewsRescue– As US president Obama prepared for the possible humility of defeat and loss of his validation as US commander in Chief. His intended war against Syria, losing the support of the American people, congress, British parliament, France, the Pope, Pakistan and even CNN, his top propaganda platform–which has started asking for the ‘evidence’; apparently US has sought a soft-landing for his excellency.

Kerry: We can avoid this mess if Syria Opens up Chemical Weapons

US Secretary of State John Kerry answered a journalist today in London, who asked what could make the US rescind on its wishes to bomb Syria; that the US will back down if Syria committed its chemical weapons to international oversight. Kerry said he doubted if the Syrian government would do so.

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem said he welcomed the proposal:

“I state that the Syrian Arab Republic welcomes the Russian initiative, motivated by the Syrian leadership’s concern for the lives of our citizens and the security of our country, and also motivated by our confidence in the wisdom of the Russian leadership, which is attempting to prevent American aggression against our people.”

The Syrian president had said on an NBC interview, that though he declined to admit or deny possession of chemical weaponry, that if such existed in Syria, they are under top level control and were categorically not used.

Looking to help the American president save face, Russia in meeting with Syrian foreign minister, in Russia, discussed Syria giving in to this proposition to avert any possible aggression from the US. The Syrian foreign minister was receptive of this concession.

As the US loses what is left of its credibility and authority, the US president may not lose all, after-all.

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