UK allegedly censored report on British neo-Nazis fighting in Ukraine

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A entirely censored passage on’returning foreign fighters’ from an unspecified European country, most likely Ukraine, is included in a British intelligence dossier on the global threat of right-wing terrorism.

The Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament’s report on ‘Extreme Right-Wing Terrorism,’ published in July, provided British MPs with an assessment of the threat presented by right-wing radicals both at home and overseas. The 130-page assessment, based on information provided by Britain’s various intelligence agencies, including MI5 and MI6, has lengthy sections on right-wing violence in Northern Europe and North America.

However, one section that follows those on Northern Europe, the United States, and Canada is completely redacted, with asterisks replacing the six paragraphs.

A semi-redacted paragraph provides additional context. According to the report, British intelligence personnel are concerned that “there is no process in place to monitor those ‘G***’ individuals who have travelled overseas for Extreme Right-Wing Terrorism-related purposes and have returned to the UK.”

It states that “there is a strong possibility that these returning foreign fighters, some of whom may have fought ***, will have been further radicalised” in the unnamed country and “developed connections with others who share their Extreme Right-Wing ideology.”

“There is little doubt that for *** we are talking about interesting details of the situation in one of the countries of Eastern Europe,” commented Russian writer and Kremlin critic Max Solopov on Telegram on Thursday. “Especially given that the United Kingdom is the second most involved country in the Ukrainian conflict after Russia.”

Before Russia’s military operation in Ukraine began last February, the Western media extensively covered extremist ideology in Ukraine. White supremacists from Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, Scandinavia, and other countries began travelling to Ukraine in 2014 to join the neo-Nazi Azov militia, which would later be formally absorbed into the Ukrainian military.

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