US ‘Multi-billion Dollar Corruption Scandal’ Exposed, Including Bush, Obama Administrators

WikiLeaks says high level officials in the administrations of US President Barack Obama and that of his predecessor, George W. Bush, have been involved in a multi-billion dollar corruption scheme. 

On Monday, transparency organization WikiLeaks published a range of classified audio files indicating that appointees in the two administrations engaged in misappropriation of funds in AbilityOne, a government program aimed at providing funds to companies that hire severely disabled employees.

“Thirteen presidential appointees (ten Obama, three Bush) are embroiled in a multi-billion dollar corruption scandal being probed by the US Department of Justice and four inspector generals,” WikiLeaks said in a statement.

The tapes containing 30 hours of audio recordings are intended to provide evidence that the program which is supposed to award roughly $3 billion annually in government contracts, gave its money to defense contractors and other large corporations that did not have many disabled employees.

Mostly distributed by the non-profit SourceAmerica, taxpayer money set aside for AbilityOne is only intended for companies in which at least 75 percent of work is performed by disabled people.

According to WikiLeaks, “It is alleged that nearly half of the $2.3 billion a year does not go to the severely disabled, but is rorted by pushing the money to corruptly favored placement organizations that recruit the able bodied or the mildly disabled instead of the mandated 75 percent severely disabled.”

The whistleblower website has been at the forefront of publishing information detailing various governmental abuses and scandals, including the documents about the US military conduct in Iraq and Afghanistan, portions of the secret Trans-Pacific Partnership pact, and documents that CIA director John Brennan kept on his personal email account. Press

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