VIDEO: Nigerians Strip, Beat Petty Theft Suspects While They Vote, Defend Corrupt Politicians


Another video clip has emerged showing Nigerians mercilessly beating stripped thief suspects as they are being led to the Sabo police station.

It is however observed that the same Nigerians vote greater thieves into office and defend them, for instance enough Nigerians are defending Senator Saraki who looted Kwara and Nigeria silly.

Nigerians also defend Minister Tunde Fashola who looted Lagos dry, constructing projects at 100x the cost, e.g. boreholes worst $1000 each which he built through his friends’ companies at $450,000 a piece. A pattern he has again repeated in the 2016 budget, yet Nigerians are not strip-beating him but rather typically defend him.

Watch the video:

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