Who Is A Husseini?

Anybody who stand for Truth, Justice & Righteousness & is willing to make the supreme sacrifice for this cause is a Husseini. The message of the beloved Grandson of the Prophet ( sa ), Imam Hussein ( as ), just like the Prophetic message is not only limited to Muslims, it is universal.

The late Hugo Chavez was not a Muslim but he was a Husseini. A Husseini must be a friend & helper of all oppressed and an enemy of all tyrants & oppressors. A Husseini must not be a racist or a tribalist or a religious bigot or a slave of sectarianism. A Husseini is first of all human & serves the cause of humanity.

A Husseini will stand with the victims of the #BeirutAttacks, #ParisAttacks, #BrusselsAttacks, #LahoreBlast, #Zaria_Massacre etc. A Husseini does not select the evil to condemn & to promote like the hypocrisy of Western imperialism, a Husseini condemned all evil.

A Husseini extend the hand of friendship to all those who struggle against all forms of injustice, oppression and tyranny. The most important thing to a Husseini is to save lives & by lives that is all lives!

A Husseini feels the pains of humanity & expresses it. A Husseini should be tolerant & not extreme, principled & not a reactionary, prudent & not extravagant, knowledge seeker & not ignorant and broadminded & not myopic.

A Husseini is kind to his/her parents, respect the parents of others & is kind to the poor, needy, downtrodden & the homeless. A Husseini should be the servant of God & helper of the oppressed section of humanity.

It is natural that those who have these Husseini traits in a predominantly Christian society of Venezuela and those who such traits in a predominantly Muslim society of Iran will he attracted to each other & will feel the need to cooperation.

The Husseini message is for humanity, we should not make it sectarian. Be A Husseini!
Harun Elbinawi

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