Why is Covid-19 Lab Leak Theory Suddenly Back Making Headlines?

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The Covid-19 lab leak theory has resurfaced in recent headlines, with the US government claiming that the virus originated from a laboratory leak in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. According to political analyst Timur Fomenko, the re-emergence of these claims is part of a coordinated effort to undermine China publicly.

For many people around the world, the Covid-19 pandemic is a thing of the past. We have successfully moved on and let go of the worry and disruption that it caused. However, one aftermath of the pandemic that refuses to go away is the political blame game. The US government has again been cultivating the “lab leak” conspiracy theory, claiming that the virus was leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The US Department of Energy issued a report on the matter, and US officials, including FBI Director Christopher Wray, have made statements to this effect. While it seems random, the re-emergence of these claims has been coordinated across the administration.

The question is: why are they doing this, and why now? According to Fomenko, the US is weaponizing this conspiracy theory in a bid to undermine China publicly. Specifically, the goal is to create a public distraction from several issues China has been focusing on lately. One of those is the chemical disaster plaguing the US state of Ohio after last month’s train derailment, and the Biden administration’s bungled response to it. The other is China’s Ukraine peace plan.

For three years, the US has used the Covid-19 pandemic as a public opinion weapon against China across a number of areas, openly scapegoating Beijing for the pandemic and its consequences. Examples include framing China as culpable for a coverup, claiming China is responsible for the worldwide spread of the virus, depicting China’s lockdowns as brutal and inhumane, and of course, spreading the laboratory leak theory, which has never been taken seriously by credible biomedical experts.

The coordinated re-emergence of the laboratory leak theory is critical evidence of how the US manipulates global discourse and public opinion. The US is using the conspiracy theory as a public opinion weapon against China, distracting from issues such as the Ohio chemical disaster and China’s peace plan for Ukraine.

While the US government has amplified sensational statements about the lab leak theory, they have not provided any hard evidence to support their claims. Without evidence, the lab leak theory is unlikely to be an effective narrative tool. The world is tired of the Covid blame game, and the constant public opinion manipulation is becoming inherently dangerous for US-China relations.

In conclusion, the re-emergence of the lab leak theory is part of a larger issue of the US government using the pandemic as a public opinion weapon against China. The theory is being used to distract from issues that China has been focusing on lately, such as the Ohio chemical disaster and their peace plan for Ukraine. While the US continues to amplify sensational statements about the lab leak theory, without evidence, it is unlikely to be an effective narrative tool. The world is tired of the Covid blame game, and it is becoming increasingly dangerous for US-China relations.

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