#WOLEXIT: I’ll Rip My #GreenCard Jan 20 2017 At Donald’s Swearing In, Soyinka Reneges, Pushes Forward Date

Wole Soyinka


Nigeria’s nobel laureate, Wole Soyinka has reneged on his threat to rip up his green card if Donald Trump is announced the winner of the US 2016 elections.

In an unprovoked media announcement, Wole Soyinka had said that should Donald Trump be announced the winner of the November 8th elections, he will rip the card. Quoting him in the Guardian:

“If in the unlikely event he does win, the first thing he’ll do is to say [that] all green-card holders must reapply to come back into the US. Well, I’m not waiting for that,” said Soyinka, who is scholar-in-residence at New York University’s Institute of African American Affairs this autumn. “The moment they announce his victory, I will cut my green card myself and start packing up.”

But in an interview by the Interview, Wole Soyinka while maintaining his threat to rip his card, moved the date forward now saying he will tear it up on Friday, January 20, 2017, the day he is sworn in. The entire world cabal, Illuminati and establishment and corporate/ main stream media opposed Trump’s candidacy.

The Interview Magazine:

Did Donald Trump’s victory surprise you?

Not altogether. The possibility was looming nearer and nearer, getting scarier and scarier.

What do you think Trump’s victory means for the world, especially Nigeria?

It’s brought an already teetering world closer to the precipice.

Do you think the victory of Trump, who threatened to build a Wall is a coincidence coming exactly 27 years to the day the Berlin Wall came down?

Trump’s Wall is already under construction. Walls are built in the mind, and Trump has erected walls, not only across the mental landscape of America but across the global landscape. I am glad you referred to the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall – that was one anniversary in reversal!

Will you trash your green card, as you reportedly said you would?

Come January 20, 2017; watch my WOLEXIT! (Donald Trump will be sworn-in as the 45th President of the United States of America on Friday, January 20, 2017)

At what point did it occur to you that Trump’s victory was inevitable?

As Election Day approached, the specter became near palpable. I refused to switch on the television this morning until I had stiffened myself with a strong espresso. I felt disaster in my marrow.

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