Donald Trump Says Doctors Treating Ebola Must Face The Consequences; Stop Flights From Africa

Aug. 6, 2014

Independent- Donald Trump thinks the work ebola doctors are doing to combat the threat of the deadly virus with no cure spreading across African borders is great.

But, he’s said, if they get infected, they’ll have to “suffer the consequences”.

In a spectacular series of tweets posted over the weekend, the American business magnate stunned followers with his cut-throat approach to stopping the virus travelling overseas to American shores.


In short, if you’re from the United States and you get infected, he doesn’t think you should be allowed back.

“Treat them, at the highest level, over there,” he tweeted, before posting the following:

So far, so harsh.

But he continued, imploring the USA to “stop all flights from EBOLA infected countries” otherwise “the plague will start and spread inside our ‘borders’.”

His words come as American Dr. Kent Brantly was struck down with ebola in Africa during an aid mission. He returned to the US on Saturday, and has been receiving treatment at the Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, where is condition is said to be improving.

Missionary Nancy Writebol, Dr. Brantly’s assistant, also contracted ebola after she came into contact with suffering patients in Liberia. Both were working for Christian relief organisation Samaritan’s purse.

She is expected to be flown back to the United States to receive treatment later this week.

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