Nancy Pelosi Lands Taiwan Despite China’s Warning

Brussels, Belgium. 18th Feb. 2019. President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker meets with a Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi.

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Democratic house speaker Nancy Pelosi has arrived China putting the world on alert, as she dares the Chinese regime to do its worst.

As expected China’s response has been swift, with the PLA military kicking off ‘live fire’ drills in multiple areas in waters surrounding Taiwan. Beijing announced these exercises will continue from the evening of Aug.2 (literally having started within the hour of Pelosi landing in Taipei) through the next days.

China has further vowed what a statement called “targeted military actions” in response to the official visit. Additionally this is to include missile tests off of Taiwan’s east coast

China’s Defense Ministry said Tuesday night it will conduct a series of targeted military operations to “safeguard national sovereignty” in response to Pelosi’s visit. It vowed to “resolutely thwart external interference” and ‘Taiwan independence’ separatist attempts’.”

During a phone call that lasted more than two hours on Thursday, July 28, US and Chinese leaders warned each other about Taiwan.

US Vice President Joe Biden told his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, that the US would strongly oppose any unilateral moves by the Chinese military to change the island’s status.

Biden also stated that the United States’ policy toward Taiwan had not changed.

According to a readout from Beijing, Xi told Biden to follow the one-China principle, warning him that “whoever plays with fire will get burned.”

During Thursday’s phone call, Biden and Xi also discussed the possibility of a face-to-face meeting, according to a senior Biden administration official, who described the bilateral as “direct” and “honest.”

The White House stated in a brief statement that it was part of efforts to “responsibly manage differences” and collaborate where “interests align.”

Beijing stated in a much longer readout of the call that many of their interests did align. However, it blamed the US for the deteriorating relationship, criticizing the Biden administration’s view of China as Washington’s “most serious long-term challenge.”

Biden hosted Xi during the Chinese leader’s visit to the United States in 2015, but they have not met in person during Mr Biden’s presidency.

China regards Taiwan as a breakaway province that must be integrated into the country, and has not ruled out the use of military force to accomplish this.

Washington does not recognize Taipei diplomatically under the one-China policy. However, the United States does sell weapons to the democratically self-governed island in order for it to defend itself.

Tensions have risen ahead of a rumored visit to Taiwan by US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The State Department says Pelosi has not announced any travel plans, but China has warned of “serious consequences,” including the use of military force, if she does.

Last week, Biden told reporters that “the military thinks it’s not a good idea,” but the White House has labeled Chinese opposition to such a trip as “clearly unhelpful and unnecessary.”

Pelosi, who is the vice-successor, president’s would be the highest-ranking US politician to visit Taiwan since 1997.

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