NATO’s Post Gaddafi Libya: Rebels Kidnap PM As Punishment For Obama Stealing Citizen

Oct. 10, 2013

Reuters: Libyan PM freed after being seized over US raid

TRIPOLI (Reuters) – Former rebel gunmen freed Libya’s prime minister on Thursday after holding him for several hours in reprisal for the capture by U.S. forces at the weekend of a Libyan al Qaeda suspect in Tripoli. Read more on Yahoo

Since Obama and NATO got rid of Gaddafi, a regional stabilizer, Libya has become a terror nexus, seeding terror all over Africa and to the world.

The ousting of Gaddafi by al Qaeda supported by NATO and the US was a great blunder and wickedness to the world.

Nigeria’s former president, Obasanjo said, when the US Ambassador Stevens was killed, that that was the US itself paying the price for their atrocity in Libya.

USA kidnapped a free citizen Al Libi in Libya, sparking the Rebels daring act, kidnapping the nations Prime Minister and US stooge, Ali Zeidan.


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