Saudi Arabia, USA Open Joint Center In Riyadh To ‘Remove’ Wahhabi/Salafi Terror Ideology From All New Islamic Text – Tillerson [Video]

Trump Opens Riyadh Deradicalization Center - September 2017

Lazy eyes listen


US Secretary of State Tillerson responding to a Senate panel said:

“We opened a joint office in Riyadh to purify religious books of extremism by producing new books to be taught in Saudi Arabia, distributed worldwide, and all textbooks currently being studied and distributed will be re-collected. Young imams of Mosques will be prepared under the direct control of White House officials.”

This he said is due to the propagation of terror being currently promoted in Wahhabi/Salafi texts the Saudi Kingdom ships worldwide. The center is named the Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology (GCCEI).

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The astonishing revelation follows years of propagation of extremist terror indoctrination from Wahhabi-ruled Saudi Arabia around the world.

Historic Twist

However this story has its surprising history. As we have presented in a report earlier, the USA actually helped Saudi Arabia prepare and propagate the Wahhabi extremist text that the Trump administration is now seeking to bring an end to.

An article from WashingtonPost titled, “From U.S., the ABC’s of Jihad” details how the USA in a program run by the University of Michigan, prepared extremist textbooks for Afghanistan which were used to turn the Mujahideen into deadly killers during the proxy war with Russia.

Afghanistan radical textbooks made by USA

It is good news that under the Trump administration the USA is reversing decades of damage it has done in partnership with Saudi Arabia which has fueled terrorism in across the world.

From ABC News: Global center to combat extremism launched in Riyadh

RIYADH: King Salman and US President Donald Trump on Sunday inaugurated the Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology (GCCEI), which aims to promote moderation and counter the spread of extremism.

The center is “the fruit of collaboration between Muslim countries that believe in the importance of combating terrorism,” said Nasir Al-Biqami, secretary-general of the GCCEI in his inaugural speech.

The center — named “Etidal,” or “moderation” — embodies the international cooperation in combating terrorism and enhances constructive dialogue to fight the problem. The selection of the board of directors, consisting of 12 members from different countries and organizations, is intended to reflect its independence.
On the center’s Twitter account, @etidalorg, it was explained that the mission of the new entity is “to expose, combat and refute extremist ideology.” Read full

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