Senator Ron Johnson Collects Stories of Doctors and Nurses Suffering Due to Vaccine Mandates and Victims of Vaccine Side Effects

Lazy eyes listen


Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin continues his good work giving a voice to the mainstream-silenced victims of vaccine side effects and healthcare workers who are suffering staff shortages and being forced out of their jobs due to vaccine mandates.

Senator Ron on his website said,

“A fundamental of medical ethics is that people have the right to choose or refuse treatment. No one should be pressured, coerced, or fear reprisal for refusing treatment, including the Covid-19 vaccine. Unfortunately, I’ve been hearing accounts repeatedly from around the country that companies are forcing employees to make difficult decisions. As if the pandemic weren’t bad enough, we’ve politicized it to the breaking point.  My hope is that the testimonials below will open people’s eyes and repair the damage and restore individual freedom before it’s too late. Click the “+” to read each story below.

Here are some of their sad stories:

Health Care Provider from Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Dear Senator Johnson and Congressman Fitzgerald,

I am emailing you today to speak out against the mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for healthcare workers. On July 29th, our hospital leadership team informed all staff that they are required to be vaccinated by November 15th . While I myself am vaccinated, I am currently in a Telegram chat with over 150 hospital employees, who are not vaccinated and fearful of what their future will hold. These staff members are currently spending hundreds of dollars to meet with lawyers to receive counseling on how to complete their medical and/or religious exemptions forms, even though middle management has already informed some of us that the exemptions will be denied no matter what. President Raymond of the Medical College of Wisconsin has also shared this sentiment, stating to some that “religious exemptions will not be allowed and medical exemptions will be few and far between”.  

This is an incredibly heartbreaking time for many of us in healthcare. The past 18 months of this pandemic have been incredibly challenging for all of us employees, but we have put aside our individual wishes to prioritize patient care. We have worked tirelessly to provide the best patient care experience to all of our families. We have spent endless hours on the phone, reassuring our families when they have been afraid, anxious or nervous about the unknown. We have sacrificed time away from our families to help manage patient care and cover our individual programs’ needs, as other team members have struggled to juggle the work/life balance. We have all made these sacrifices with one goal in mind- doing what is best for our patients.  Now, our hospital leadership is abandoning us, and using our income, ability to provide for our families, provide insurance and benefits, as bargaining tools to force vaccination.  

The collusion by the major hospital systems throughout Wisconsin to all have the same mandate is going to create a public health crisis. We have already been facing staffing shortages for months, as the pandemic pushed many healthcare workers from the baby boomer generation into early retirement, and many others have suffered healthcare burnout and have left. We are losing our seasoned healthcare workers, which is leading to less experienced care for our patients. We are seeing less specialized staff in our operating rooms, ERs, ICUs and specialty services. This translates into a lower level of care to our patients. Children’s Wisconsin is already paying staff “bonus bucks” due to our short staffing with nurses, and this will only continue to worsen, as more nurses leave or are pushed out. I greatly fear for the quality of care (or lack thereof) that our patients will see due to the staffing crisis created by these mandates. I greatly fear for how many children will suffer misdiagnoses, delays in receiving care, and medical errors due to these staffing shortages.  

I sincerely thank you for taking the time to read my email and for your willingness to help give us a voice. Many of us love our patients and want to stay and care for them, but the hospital and healthcare system executives do not value us.

Thank you.

Registered Nurse from Milwaukee, Wisconsin

As an Emergency nurse, I risk losing my job related to my vaccination status. As you know, this violates my rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. I also work as a supervisor of a hospital in Milwaukee, I see the nursing shortage daily and I believe that this state and this country cannot afford to lose any more nurses. If you add up even 10 nurses from every hospital, this could be detrimental and people will have much more to fear than COVID. There will be no one there to take care of their loved ones in an already strained healthcare system. I urge you to support the end to vaccine mandates to retain employment. There are thousands of nurses in Wisconsin already banding together who are against the mandates. Let me say that again, THOUSANDS. Most are willing to be terminated if that’s what it takes, this should truly be terrifying. Please let me know what I can be doing on a local level.

Registered Nurse from Wisconsin

Hello Mr. Johnson and team, 

I am a hospital employee who is being mandated to get the COVID vaccine. It is still EUA and is still in clinical trials.  I have been an RN for 10 years. I finished my Masters this year to teach nursing students at MSOE and Marquette this fall.  I am 32 years old. A mother of 2 beautiful little children and I’ve already have COVID in Oct 2020 and have natural immunity. There is NO REASON I should be mandated to receive this vaccine. The mandate does not follow science or our freedoms, not to mention it goes against the nursing code of ethics that I follow on a daily basis. I am asking for your help to help get rid of these mandates, please! I am fearful for what our hospitals will look like if the mandate continues. I am already losing many coworkers. 

Registered Nurse from Wisconsin

I’m very concerned regarding mandatory vaccination under EUA (Emergency Use Authorization). 
I tested positive for Covid-19 on April 16th, lasted about a week and recovered. My symptoms were like a cold. I recently on 8/11/21 took a SARS-CoV2 Ab, Nucleocapsid test and it was positive for antibodies to SARS-CoV2. The millions of people who have recovered from Covid have natural immunity to this virus, they have totally disregarded this population and are now mandated to receive a vaccination that we do not need. We need to fight for the millions of people who do not need vaccination, and our freedom of choice.

I found out on an email at work that the Covid-19 vaccine was going to be mandated for all employees. This has been so stressful to the point of not sleeping and my hair falling out. They are basically saying either you submit to a vaccine or lose your job. I’ve really had to do some soul searching at this extremely difficult time in my life. I have always relied on my religious upbringing and my faith in God to see me through hardships I may face in the future. I claimed a religious exemption on advice of lawyers.

As of today, 8/24/21 the director of the hospital has sent out another email. This is word for word states, “With the rapid spread of Delta variant of COVID-19, its crucial for the health and safety of the organization that everyone wears a mask unless they are alone, behind closed doors. Those who have religious exemption must wear a facility supplied face shield”.

This email did not address if you claimed a medical exemption, just a religious exemption. I feel they are singling out people who claimed a religious exemption only. I don’t understand why I would be required to wear a different form of protection just because of my religious belief.

Heather, Medical Assistant from Wisconsin

This email is to inform you of the current situation in healthcare. I was hired by Children’s Wisconsin in 1993 as a clinic nursing assistant. I was proud to work for such a prestigious healthcare system until recently. Two years ago Children’s was in great need for Medical Assistants and offered the opportunity to return to school for this certification, tuition paid. I applied and was accepted into the program the end of August 2019. I signed an agreement that stated I would continue to work for them as an MA for two years upon graduation or reimburse my tuition, about $18,000. I graduated with honors from Herzing University in December 2019. Nowhere in the agreement is there language about vaccine status. The agreement was pre-pandemic. Like you, I am Covid recovered, and don’t wish to take this vaccine. I plan on applying for a religious exemption (I haven’t sent the letter yet). In the last 2 weeks Children’s has lost many (I personally know of at least 10) good employees because of this mandate. My concerns are many. If they accept my exemption I will be working in an environment that is short staffed and stressful. If they don’t accept it and I still refuse the vaccine they will consider that as a “resignation” and probably sue me for the tuition that they paid. I love working as medical assistant in their Urgent Care, but this issue is becoming a safety hazard as my department alone has lost at least 5 people. I’m lost as to what to do. I feel strongly that these mandates are dangerous to our republic and threaten our freedom. I also feel that in my situation that this is coercion. Any intervention your office can do to stop these mandates will be appreciated by many. I belong to a private group on Telegram of Children’s employees (current, and recently quit). By my estimate about 150 employees just from this group either have left already or plan to leave, or they are stuck, like me.

Torey Graham from Wisconsin

I’m currently fighting my employer, Ascension, in accepting my natural immunity as reason not to get mandated covid vaccination. I have submitted my positive antibody test which was denied as source of proof. 

Interesting story, I was part of UW and DHS joint research project tracking antibodies after covid infection. My blood was collected over 9 month period, ending in March. My first 2 results were negative, 3rd was positive which coincided with my recovery after covid. I have contacted UW as June should have been next antibody test and was told DHS stopped research project. I asked why since antibodies were so important before the vaccine was available, he did not have an answer. 

I work remotely part time and no longer have any patient facing care. I’m exempt from mandatory flu shot because of my remote status but not covid vaccine. Why?

Please help me! I have study after study after study proving natural immunity. I will not get vaccine as I have successfully recovered. This is what our bodies are designed to do. I will do whatever it takes to fight for my job on natural immunity. This is science. 

Thanks to Senator Johnson for being an excellent advocate for common sense!!

Physician from Orlando, Florida

Dear Senator Johnson,

I have a very small practice – I’ve probably only seen about a dozen vaccinated patients.


One elderly patient (82) developed malignant hypertension post-vaccine. He has a history of high blood pressure, but not to this degree.

I have a young female patient (mid-20’s) who took the J&J and two weeks later developed severe chest pain. This has been going on for four months now. She is concerned about her long-term risks of complications. 

Two female patients in their 40’s have refused the second dose, due to such severe vaccine reactions to the first dose. 

We are not allowed to question the efficacy of the vaccine. Everyone who does is afraid to talk about it, yet the VAERS data is highly concerning. If I had to make a decision to recommend for or against based on my practice, I would recommend against it. I do not have faith in the watchdog agencies who are overseeing this. 

Physician from Lincoln, Nebraska

Dear Senator Johnson,

I am a family physician in Lincoln, Nebraska. I have seen many bad reactions from the Covid shots in my patients. I have patients who’ve had DVTs after the shots, memory issues, sudden pain and weakness in their legs or chronic fatigue lasting for over 3 months after the shots. 

The most frightening patient was a 41-year-old teacher whom I have cared for, for over 10 years. He had a non-fasting blood sugar of 97 with lab work done for a separate reason in December of 2020. He got his first mRNA Covid shot in January and his second shot 4 weeks later. Within 48 hours of the second shot, he developed excessive thirst, frequent urination, and severe fatigue. His blood sugar was over 400. He now has Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and requires a continuous insulin pump along with a continuous glucose meter. 

I do not recommend this shot for anyone.

Registered Nurse from Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Dear Senator Johnson,                                          

I am writing to you to share my concerns as Registered Nurse regarding my observations as follows:

I work in critical care in a large medical center. When SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations began to be administered under Emergency Use Authorization, I expected for hospital staff to receive training regarding serious adverse events and how to report them. This was not done.  Most doctors, midlevel providers, and nurses do not know about VAERS and what is required to be reported. On any given 12-hour shift, I am seeing patients be admitted to the ICU within days or weeks of receiving the vaccines after suffering sudden changes in their health status such as CVA’s, Pulmonary Embolus, DVT’s, myocardial infarctions, sudden cardiac arrests, severe thrombocytopenia, altered mental status, encephalopathy with unknown etiology, and new onset of seizures, for example. Doctors have been asked if the vaccines could have caused these sudden events and if they should be reported but they consistently deny any connection and none are reported. The underreporting of serious adverse events following these injections is staggering and is causing serious safety signals with these injections to be missed.

Healthcare workers in hospitals who have sincere concerns regarding the safety of the injections are facing hostility and they are being silenced and intimidated. The hospital I work for has mandated the injections for all staff. They do not wish to see or admit that there is a potential for injury from these injections. Physicians are ridiculing those of us who do not wish to receive the injections and advocate for us to lose our jobs. Those of us who have had Covid and already enjoy a robust immunity are also being forced to take the shots which demonstrates that these mandates have nothing to do with the prevention of infection transmission.

I also have serious concerns that reporting of the vaccination status of patients admitted with Covid is fraudulent. I have seen several instances where a patient was fully vaccinated per the patient’s and family members report, yet the electronic medical record lists the vaccination status as “unknown.” Also, I have seen doctors refuse to allow family members of Covid patients at the end of life to visit unless they are vaccinated. This is not in accordance with the hospital’s visiting policy and is clearly punitive and discriminatory.

Physician from Brawley, California

Dear Senator Johnson,

I have had families tell me of 2 fatalities post Pfizer or Moderna in 1-2 days after jabs in 70+ year olds who were well overall at the time of death.

I had a patient in her 60s die 6 weeks after the J&J VAX with no cardiac history.

I have had many patients (about 10) with C19 VAX side effects all resolved with directed treatments.

Physician from Corvallis, Oregon

Dear Senator Johnson,

 I have had one middle-aged female with idiopathic thrombocytopenia and happening within one week of the second injection.  She had significant bruising on all 4 extremities.

I also had 1 patient developing Raynaud’s phenomenon within 1 week of the second injection.

I have had one elderly lady developing chronic widespread pain for no apparent reason within days of her J&J vaccine, now, 4 months later she still is in pain.

Many of my patients with neurodegenerative diseases, i.e. Parkinson’s disease, have significantly declined since receiving the vaccines, much faster than otherwise would have been expected.

I have found that it has become difficult to obtain ivermectin prescriptions for my patients even if they have contraindications for any of the available vaccines.  Some of my former colleagues in the allopathic medicine realm do not talk to me anymore because of my different view.  I now would be asked by the pharmacist which condition I would prescribe ivermectin for, which is unprecedented an interference in the doctor-patient relationship.

Physician from Gainesville, Texas

Dear Senator Johnson,

I have had several patients with significant reactions to various vaccines. Most were not severe or life threatening, but some were, including one death. I am also seeing many patients now with Covid, and many have had full vaccination.

63 y/o lady began feeling very bad after her second Moderna vaccine, was nauseated over a weekend, unable to work the next Monday.  Later she developed shortness of breath and wheezing and was hospitalized about 2 weeks after the vaccination with severe hypertension, pulmonary edema, heart failure. 

84 y/o lady had hot and cold spells, flushing intermittently, generalized tingling feeling in different areas for several weeks. Blood work showed a newly positive ANA of 1:320.  She had significant improvement after starting hydroxychloroquine.  

64 y/o man awakened with altered mental state (basically a transient global amnesia) about a week after his first Pfizer vaccine. Admitted to hospital for a couple of days where his symptoms cleared completely.  TGA is essentially a TIA equivalent. 

71 y/o lady with advanced chronic kidney disease but still very functional had her first vaccine on a Thursday, and on Friday was non-verbal, unable to eat or communicate and died 7 days after the jab. 

64 y/o diabetic lady had her first Moderna vaccine and seven days later had severe hypoglycemic reactions (very unusual for her). 

71 y/o man three days after his second vaccine developed generalized joint pains, especially in his hands (MP joints). A blood test later showed his RA latex to be 113 (normal <14).

Elderly nursing home resident with COPD began feeling achy and nauseated with some confusion a few days after her first shot of the Moderna. A few days later, she had increased dyspnea, requiring more O2 and chest Xray showed signs of heart failure. Eight days after the vaccine, she was admitted to hospital with stroke like symptoms.

One elderly lady developed choreiform movements after her second vaccine. 

Another lady developed significantly worse memory issues (according to her daughter) after her second dose. 

Physician from Hartford, Connecticut

Dear Senator Johnson,

Small specialty functional medicine practice: 400 active patients 

What patients reported to me at their visits.

Irregular menses: multiple times in a month, post-menopausal bleeding:

At least 20 reported within 30 to 60 days after getting vaccine ages 23 to 51

Cerebral vascular events: 2

71 y.o. female w/ cancer history had TIA within 48 hours after first vaccine

53 y.o healthy male had CVA at 8 weeks after second vaccine


54 y.o. female who started with neurological and muscular symptoms with 6 weeks of getting second vaccine with weakness and tremors 

Herpatic outbreaks:

50 y.o. female with oral cold sores very bad case 

63 y.o. female with herpies outbreak in perineal area within 3 weeks

57 y.o. with shingles outbreak multiple time after each vaccine


42 y.o. female within 24 hours after first dose

All conventional practitioners that these patients originally saw felt that it was highly unlikely that these events were from the vaccine and definitely none were reported to VAERS at that time.  

Physician from Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania

Dear Senator Johnson,

I’m a Neurointerventional radiologist. I practice in the Lehigh Valley.

I have personally seen numerous young women with Dural venous sinus thrombosis that my partners and I had to treat. These were Covid vaccine related complications.

I have recently seen numerous cases of Bell’s palsy coming in on imaging and two of my partners after vaccines developed DVT’s and pulmonary emboli.

I believe the complications related to COVID vaccine are significantly under reported and can be life threatening.

Susan Rohr, Physician from Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Dear Senator Johnson,

Over the past 18 months as a pulmonary/critical care physican, I have worked to care for COVID patients with all spectrums of disease ranging from outpatient therapy, inpatient floor status, and COVID ICU.  We have learned to adapt our plans to care for these patients and improve their survival and recovery.  Since the warp speed COVID vaccine EUA, I have been concerned about what we have seen locally, nationally, and worldwide.  I have witnessed patients in our community within 4 days of vaccination suffer sudden cardiac death, heart attacks, strokes, acute heart failure with subsequent in hospital cardiac arrest and eventual death due to poor neurologic recovery.  There have been patients with septic shock and purpura fulminans developing multi-system organ failure and death all within 4 days of vaccination with reports of feeling unwell since injection. There have been other patients who suffered acute deterioration of previously stable underlying neurological disease such as MS going from walking to being bed bound with weeks post vaccination.  We have observed a few patients presenting with interstitial lung inflammation post vaccination that responded to steroids but have not been able to tolerate a taper off. 

Throughout the country in physician groups, many have reported an usual increase in stroke codes called in younger patients than one would expect.  Our own team here has witnessed a similar uptick in the number of daily stroke codes called to the ED with a particularly younger patient population presenting with signs of stroke than prior to mass vaccination.  Many hospital workers who received the vaccination have reported symptoms of debilitating fatigue and brain fog ever since their vaccination.  Unfortunately, many of these events go un-reported, un-recognized, or deemed un-related to vaccination despite that being the only new variable.  One of our clinic RNs reports that anaphylaxis and seizures occuring post vaccination in the COVID vaccine clinic was a “usual” occurance and she expressed concern stating, “That is just not normal.  We don’t see this with other vaccines.”  We have witnessed our own nursing staff suffer fetal demise at > 20 weeks following vaccine administration.  These events were deemed typical fetal demise as no one would suspect that the vaccine they have been told is “safe and effective” for pregnant women could be a contributing factor.  Since the initiation of extending vaccination down to age 12, we have witness thousands of cases of myocarditis in adolescents across the United States, some of which have died with hours to days of receiving their second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.  These events alone should have halted use in adolescents and children.  It deeply concerns me that we have not followed standard protocol with these experimental therapies. 

With any other experimental therapy, out of an abundance of caution to FIRST DO NO HARM, an adverse event would be assumed due to the intervention until definitive evidence would deem it unrelated.  This has not been the case.  I am deeply concerned that we are willing to exposure our children and adolescents to an injection for COVID 19 knowing the risk of severe disease or disability from natural infection for a healthy child or adolescent is low and the risk of death is nearly zero.  With the overall number of adverse event and deaths reported via VAERS in the very short time span this vaccine has been under EUA, it should have been pulled from use months ago for all ages.  Now, we want to recommend a third-booster injection which also has not been studied in any group.  We have no long term data, but the short term data is concerning to those who are actually looking at it with a critical mind and concerned for the best interest of our patients and communities.   We are concerned that patients have not been offered informed consent for this experimental therapy injected into their body under EUA.  We are concerned that natural immunity is being overlooked and those patients are still being mandated to take the vaccine despite the data supporting long lasting natural immunity.  There is evidence to suggest those individuals who have previously recovered from COVID 19 may be at higher risk for death and adverse events post-vaccination particularly in our frail elderly population.  

Most recently, the true value of the vaccination comes into question as we are seeing vaccinated patients not only can aquire infection, spread infection, and become severely ill, hospitalized, and die from severe infection.  We have witnessed increasing rates of cases in the fully vaccinated requiring outpatient treatment, hospital admission, and ICU care including requiring invasive ventilatory support.  One week ago, 4 of the 11 ICU patients were fully vaccinated with 2 of them on invasive ventilatory support and 2 on non-invasive ventilatory support and the numbers continue to increase.  We can clearly see that mass, indiscriminate vaccination is not working and not the answer to beating this pandemic.  We should continue to consider offering an effective vaccination to high risk patients who wish to receive it after informed consent on the risks, goals of treatment, and therapeutic alternatives. It should not be recommended for low risk individuals particularly healthy children and adolescents.  A vaccine should have a better safety profile before recommending in pregnancy, and certainly a better safetly and benefit profile before considering full approval.  I urge you to hear our plea for caution and recommend against full approval of this vaccination at this time.  The safety and efficacy profiles are concerning to many in the medical community.  I fear we will see more complications as a third booster shot program begins.  Again, we must use an abundance of caution and choose to first do no harm to our healthy population whose risk of severe disease and death is extremely low from this virus and there are viable treatment options. Written and signed with deepest concern for our patients and citizens.

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