Only 11% of Russians back call to use nuclear weapons – survey

Lazy eyes listen


According to a study done by the Russian Field polling agency and the media site RTVI, the majority of Russians reject the use of nuclear weapons against Ukraine in the ongoing conflict. According to RTVI, over three-quarters of respondents (74%) believe the nuclear option is ‘undesirable’ regardless of the combat circumstances.

Only 10% of Russians believe the use of nuclear weapons is ‘appropriate’ at any moment, while 5% believe the action should be done only when facing a real risk of defeat. Five percent of those polled had no clear answer to the question.

According to the survey, men, middle-aged, and older Russians appear to be more supportive of the nuclear option. Respondents with a higher level of knowledge, as well as those who regard the conflict as a potential threat to their own security, are more likely to reject it.

The vast majority of Russians have voiced their willingness to assist Russian military fighting on the front lines. According to the survey, 61% of respondents are prepared to do so, and over 40% have previously contributed some assistance to the military through various aid and support programmes. Almost 30% additionally gathered clothing and other stuff for the troops.

After political scientist Sergey Karaganov mentioned the idea of a nuclear strike in an opinion piece, the issue momentarily came to the forefront in Russia.

Karaganov argued in an article titled ‘A Difficult But Necessary Decision’ that Russia could use nuclear weapons against European countries that support Ukraine in order to force the US and its allies to back down from a larger conflict with Russia, preventing a global nuclear war and World War III.

Russian President Vladimir Putin cautioned in mid-June that even discussing the matter lowers the bar for the use of nuclear weapons. Russia will only use its arsenal if faced with an existential danger, according to current official policy, the president said at the time, adding that he does not believe in employing tactical, low-yield nuclear weapons as a deterrent.