Republican Utah governor condemns Greene’s call for ‘national divorce’ as ‘evil’ rhetoric

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Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia has proposed a “national divorce,” but Utah Gov. Spencer Cox, who is also a Republican, has called Green’s proposal “evil.”

“A national divorce is required. We need to divide the country into red and blue states and shrink the federal government. This is something that everyone I talk to says. We are done, from the sick and disgusting woke culture issues shoved down our throats to the Democrats’ traitorous America Last policies “Greene took to Twitter.

Cox condemned the congresswoman’s remarks and continued the metaphor by implying that the country requires “marriage counseling.”

“This rhetoric is destructive, incorrect, and, to be honest, evil. Marriage counseling is what we need, not a divorce. And we need elected officials who aren’t interested in tearing us apart. We can disagree without hating each other. Healthy conflict was critical to the formation and survival of our country “Cox put pen to paper.

“People are sick and tired of left-wing insanity and disaster America Last policies. National divorce is not the same as civil war, but Biden and the neocons are dragging us into WW3, while forcing corporate ESG and gender confusion on our children. Enough!” Greene took to Twitter.
She also retweeted a tweet from the @POTUS Twitter account, which featured photos of President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

“Impeach Biden, or we’ll have a national divorce. We do not pay taxes to fund the wars of foreign countries that are not even NATO allies. We are not sending our children to die for foreign borders or foreign ‘democracy.’ America is bankrupt. Criminals and cartels rule. And you’re a moron “Greene stated.