UK Quietly Revises Guidance; Advices Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women Against Covid Vaccine

London, UK - December 3rd 2019: The Public Health England logo, pictured on an information leaflet. PHE is an executive agency of the Department of Health and Social Care in the UK.
Lazy eyes listen


The UK government official website this August is quietly revising its guidance that encouraged pregnant and breastfeeding women to take Covid vaccination.

Its new “Toxicity conclusions” section suddenly advices against vaccination in these groups till there is more information. It says:

“…sufficient reassurance of safe use of the vaccine in pregnant women cannot be provided at the present time: however, use in women of childbearing potential could be supported provided healthcare professionals are advised to rule out known or suspected pregnancy prior to vaccination. Women who are breastfeeding should also not be vaccinated”

However the site in its main guidance updated last in April still promotes the Covid vaccine to the pregnant and breastfeeding.

“COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy

“The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has now advised that pregnant women are more at risk of severe COVID-19 disease. They are reminding pregnant women to have their COVID-19 vaccines as soon as possible. They should not delay vaccination until after they have given birth. This is to protect them and their babies. In the UK, over 100,000 pregnant women have been vaccinated mainly with Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and they have a good safety profile.

“These vaccines do not contain live coronavirus and cannot infect a pregnant woman or her unborn baby in the womb.”

This is obviously a conflict and persisting confusion.

See the date of the opposing guidance, still on the site:

Vaccination has aggressively been promoted to these women groups despite full scientific safety information as the new, quietly updated August advice shows. Was this in the best interest and safety of the populace?