Yemen: Over 80 people die in Ramadan stampede

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Officials have reported that disaster struck Yemen’s capital Sanaa, killing at least 80 people in a tragic crash at a school during the distribution of Ramadan charity.

Viral video footage on social media depicts the chaotic scenes that followed the incident in the city’s Bab-al-Yemen neighborhood.

Hundreds of people rushed into the school, according to the BBC, to receive presents and donations totaling roughly $9 (£7) each person.

Since 2015, Houthi rebels have ruled the city after driving out the government.

According to the interior ministry, people responsible for the distribution have been detained, and an investigation is underway.

The ministry’s spokesman blamed the stampede on “random distribution” of funding without consultation with local officials.

According to a Sanaa health official, several individuals were hurt, with 13 in severe condition.

At the time of writing, rescue efforts were still underway.