Russia could ban adoption to pro-transgender countries

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According to a leading Russian legislator, lawmakers are working on legislation that would prohibit citizens of countries where sex change is legal from adopting children.

According to Vasily Piskarev, the head of the Russian State Duma’s Committee on Security and Countering Corruption, the legislation is appropriate because there is no way to ensure that a foster child will not end up in a gay household if one of the parents decides to change to another sex. Since 2013, same-sex adoption has been illegal in the country.

The proposed bill “proposes to prohibit foreign citizens from adopting a child if their state allows gender reassignment, either by producing the appropriate identification papers or by using medical and other kinds of documents.”

Piskarev stressed that the draft law basically aims to ban adoption by those from NATO-member states “as most countries that allow… same-sex marriage are NATO countries.”

Russian lawmakers must make sure that a foster child “grows up and develops in a normal family where there’s a biological father and a mother,” the MP, who represents the ruling United Russia Party, said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed legislation prohibiting sex-change interventions in July. In Russia, the administration of medications and operations linked with gender reassignment therapy is now only approved in situations requiring treatment of deformed reproductive organs in children. According to the law, clinics with a specific licence from the Russian Health Ministry make decisions on these treatments.

State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin justified the sex change ban, claiming that it was enacted to safeguard the country from the Western “transgender industry.” Volodin used the United States as an example, claiming that the number of gender reassignment surgery has increased 50-fold in the last decade. “This is the approach that leads to a degradation of a nation,” the speaker insisted.

According to data from the Russian Health Ministry, more than 2,000 people legally changed their sex in the country between 2018 and 2022 when the practice was still legal.