Protests As Nigerian Policeman Shoots Driver Dead For Reproaching Him Not To Urinate On His Truck

Police have been sidelined as their duty has been handed over to the army

FOR challenging a police officer, who reportedly urinated on a truck, Alhaji Dan Jos, a truck owner, was shot dead, yesterday, at Tin Can Island Port, bringing operations to a halt as his colleagues began a protest.
According to an eyewitness, Kabiru Alaba, the yet-to-be identified police officer, attached to the RORO Division, shot Dan Jos for challenging his colleague who urinated on a truck parked in the premises.

He added that the offending policeman called a colleague from the RORO Division, who attacked Jos without finding out what happened. According to Alaba, “the police officer was urinating on one of our trucks when Alhaji challenged him. It later led to an altercation and he called his colleague from the division, who came and shot Alhaji in his thigh.”

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