Image: (Andrew Harrer-Pool/Getty Images)
As Trumps auctions his base support with the top “Alt-right” media criticizing him for his irrational attack against the anti-ISIS Syrian government, Alex Jones has accused the president of pandering to globalists.
Advising Trump to beware of the plot to destroy him in his base before they destroy him finally, Infowars’ Alex Jones pointed to the abandoning of Trump by popular Infowars presenter, Paul Joseph Watson.
Trump is pandering to Jared Kushner, his daughter Ivanka’s husband, a globalist who has been injecting Wall street globalists into Trump’s cabinet and national security council. Stephen Bannon reportedly called Jared Kushner a ‘globalist.’
Hillary, Nanci Pelosi and all other globalists pushed Trump to this erroneous direction, Alex said.
Alex also reminded his viewers of the Seymor Hersh revelation that Hillary Clinton approved delivery of Sarin gas to Syrian rebels.
Raised also is the fact that this terrible chemical attack was likely a false flag as all previous accusations of Assad allegedly using chemical gas have bene proven false even by United Nations officials.