US national debt to skyrocket – IMF

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According to the International Monetary Fund’s Fiscal Monitor report, which was released on Wednesday, the US public debt will continue to rise in the years to come despite greater government borrowing.

IMF economists predict that the increase will be caused in part by increased spending by Washington on social security, healthcare, clean energy initiatives, and other domestic economic measures.

It is anticipated that the US debt-to-GDP ratio would be 122.2% this year, just a hair higher than 121.7% in 2022. According to the IMF, it will surpass the peak of the Covid pandemic era of 133.5% in 2020 and grow further to 136.2% of GDP in 2028, up from 107.4% in 2018.

The agency pointed out that the US and China are responsible for the majority of the rise in global public debt. It issued a warning that increasing government borrowing and expenditure might increase inflationary pressures, undermining the central banks’ efforts.

According to Vitor Gaspar, chief of the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department, public debt worldwide is predicted to reach about 100% of GDP by the end of the projection horizon (2028), returning it to “record levels set in the year of the pandemic.”

The IMF further stated that recent banking issues in the US and Switzerland have increased the likelihood of a worldwide financial crisis, which could put more strain on the balance sheets of the public sector.