CNN’s John Berman, Boston Marathon Veteran Unable to Complete the Race, Lands in Hospital John Berman @JohnBerman So apparently I had 25 GREAT miles…I say apparently because it seems I took a bit of a detour to the medical tent…and then the hospital. I don’t exactly remember what happened…but I am doing MUCH better now. Back to work soon! I was honored to run 25 for @TeamBeansFund


With sadness we hear the news of CNN’s John Berman, host of “New Day” who ended up in the hospital after running 25 miles of this year’s Boston marathon; 1.5 miles short of completion.

Posting the image of himself above, 49-year old John said,

“So apparently I had 25 GREAT miles…I say apparently because it seems I took a bit of a detour to the medical tent…and then the hospital… I don’t exactly remember what happened…but I am doing MUCH better now. Back to work soon!”

The cause of his admission was unspecified at this point. The weather was race-perfect in the 50s, so weather-related heat exhaustion seems less likely.

John is a veteran of the race and it is recalled that in 2018, he ran the race in rainy weather and completed it in 4 hours!

There have been too many reports of athletes collapsing in the field from acute chest syndromes, since the advent of Covid and the Covid vaccines.

It is not known if there is any link though as the main stream refuses to investigate anything.

Below is a compilation of 33 such cases of collapse and/or sudden death of trained athletes.

We sich John Bernan a full and speedy recovery.