Google Glass Futuristic Smartphone Eye-set Bedazzles

Feb. 28, 2013

NewsRescue– Google unveils Google glass. A truly futuristic, cool eyepiece smartphone. It’s really so cool, we are doing free publicity for Google.

With spoken commands, all including the word, “Google,” you can get Glass to carry out a variety of smartphone actions, ranging from taking pictures, engaging in a Google Hangout, recording videos and even sharing with others.

Glass pops up event reminders, tells you the weather, traffic problems. You can dictate texts and other messages to it.

“Glass,’ featured on the recent Oscar awards, and for just $1500, you should cap your ASAP! A developer pre-release copy was on auction on ebay for $15,000 and say they’ll get it for you pronto!

google glass2

Glass styles


Promo: ZEVONE the Smartwatch phone
Promo: for the Smartwatch phone