Saraki Stoning: How Kwara State Governor Ahmed Dodged His Share Of Stones


by Lekan Abayomi

NewsRescue reporter's picture from the scene after we witnessed the stoning of Saraki
NewsRescue reporter’s picture from the scene after we witnessed the stoning of Saraki

The stoning of Nigeria’s senate president Bukola Saraki was not sudden and unprepared but had been expected and promised, according to multiple witnesses and NewsRescue reporters who were at the event.

The Kwara state governor Abdulfatah Ahmed a stooge of the Sarakis as most governors of Kwara state have been for decades, knowing he was going to be stoned, reportedly rather stayed away from the prayer grounds and went to observe his Eid prayers at Share town instead.

It was said that Bukola Saraki did not expect he would be stoned, “thought he had two heads” and went to the grounds where shortly after he was spotted, the missiles rained down on him and other dignitaries around.

Several NewsRescue reporters were on the scene and witnessed the stoning of Saraki with the hurling of water sachets and rocks in his direction.

Stones were seen flying in the sky. The chants of “ole, ole” and “where is our salary and bailout money” and “do not use our money for Abuja projects” and other chants were heard live as seen in this video.

NewsRescue first broke the story within 5 minutes of it happening before our website was hacked by a DOS attack momentarily.

On the ground our agents witnessed the smuggling off of  disguised/camouflaged Saraki from the prayer grounds as the large crowds wanted his head.

saraki tribunal2Contrary to police reports, the special Eid prayers were unfortunately not held or not with the Public Address system this Salah. It was a sad day yet a victorious day for peoples uprising with Kwarans leading the way in Nigeria where so many including Anambra state (who failed to stone thief Stella Oduah) had failed.

It was not PDP or APC that stoned Saraki, after all he is a member of both groups. From what we witnessed on the ground, it was the people. The people were tired. The people of Kwara were happy to stone him.

People rejoiced during and after the stoning of Saraki and other signatories in a town known to be long oppressed and commandeered by a single family with a clear history of gross corruption, deprivation and denigration of the people.

The Sarakis are known to buy the loyalty of the town by organizing weekly stomach infrastructure programs where thousands of market women line up pathetically as beggars to receive peanut cash handouts from the Sarakis; thereby ensuring their enslavement and political loyalty.